When you want a clean, family friendly movie that will hold the attention of young and old alike, the pickings are slim. THIS is a movie that is worth adding to your family collection!
Our Dyslexia Journey, Example IEP Accommodations and Tips
Learn about dyslexia, what our journey has looked like, and some of the accommodations that have helped us this past year.
Cheap and Fun Hobby Ideas for Teens
This list of cheap and fun hobby ideas for teens may work for anyone teen who’s looking to have more fun all the while expanding on their current abilities.
Ways to Laugh More and Be Silly With Your Kids
Being able to laugh and be silly with your kids is an excellent way to reduce stress and solidify the bond between parent and child.
Great Herbal Courses to Learn Alternative Wellness (Plus Giveaway)
One of the lost arts we are learning to recapture in our own lives is the synergistic way of living with herbal health and wellness. Before you turn to a prescription medication, is there an herbal remedy that can help your family live a healthier life, right from your own kitchen garden? There might be! […]
Math, Sports, Music…Who Has Time to Drive?
I’m an involved dad to my four daughters, who are 6 to 16. I’ve given them piano lessons, taught them how to fight, and have read the same books I-don’t-know-how-many times. Along with all the things I do, I’m plagued with thoughts of what I don’t, particularly with my oldest. At 16, she’s had a […]
Declutter and Update Your Home Office – Free Checklist and Tips for Donation
In the winter months I spend more time indoors and working at my home office – especially as I prepare for the coming new year. So I usually take the opportunity to declutter, reorganize, and update my home office study area at this time. This year after the flooding we experienced, it is especially a […]
How We’ve Updated Our Shopping Habits to Help Animals
You all know how passionate I am about making lifestyle choices in a way that helps the earth around us – and that especially includes animals provide food for us. It’s one of the reasons why I try to raise as much of my own food as possible and that what the ASPCA is focusing […]
Tips for Planning Your Retirement with Confidence from AARP
As we grow closer to the end of yet another year many begin to take stock of our financial situations. It is tough being pulled in so many directions – children’s college funds, vacation and family outings, home ownership and more. But it’s important not to neglect long-term savings for your retirement years. We aren’t […]
Drawing for Kids and Other Kid Activity Books from Woo! Jr. Kids – With Giveaway!
I love tangible books for the kids to keep them busy on the way to soccer practices, when I’m on a client call, or just on a day they want to play indoors instead of outdoors for whatever reason. So I was very excited to get some awesome kids activities books by Woo! Jr. Kids […]
Car Safety Precautions To Keep in Mind
Car seat safety is one of those issues every parent says they care about but it’s easy to lose track or have an improperly installed car seat without knowing it. See some free resources to have your car seat checked so you can know for sure!
When Back-To-School Spells Stress For Parents & Children
Although the weather is still quite warm out – there is a certain something in the air that just tells you it’s almost time for back-to-school. Making the transition back to school from the carefree days of summer can be quite a change for kids and parents alike. Not everyone who homeschools takes a summer break, […]