I was so excited to be able to review the newest edition of Homegrown and Handmade by Deborah Niemann through a giveaway promotion with Homestead Bloggers Network, because this book covers so many things that help someone embrace a new self-sufficient journey. Be sure to look for the amazing Giveaway at the end of the […]
Jay Franco’s Spider-Man Zippysack is Every Boy’s Dream.
If you’re like me who have active boys who want nothing to do with making their beds up in the morning. That takes way too much time out of the playful things they have to do each day! So not only did my son *love* the Jay Franco & Sons Zippysack, but I was pretty happy with it as well. Let me tell you why.
Best Travel Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Travelling with babies and toddlers can be quite a challenge but with a bit of planning and some great toys, you can make the trip an entertaining and easy one.
Bears for Humanity – Toys for a Good Cause
This is a review and giveaway post for a company you are going to love hearing about. If you have never heard of Bears For Humanity, you should definitely check them out. Bears For Humanity is a social commerce company that believes in 100% certified organic products, healthy children and a sustainable environment. They manufacture […]
Must-Have Gifts for New Moms and Babies
These must-have gifts are perfect for new moms and your little tot. From organic to practical – there is something for everyone! PLUS GIVEAWAY!
Wooden Toys: Oxybul Stands Up To Destructive Beings
I prefer natural, imagination-heavy toys over plastic noisemakers. Oxybul nailed it.
How to Sew Your Own Advent Calendar
One project I’ve been pondering for years is making my own Advent calendar. So I hopped online for ideas, found the gorgeous Flickr pool of handmade Advent treasures, got good and inspired.
Prismland: Educational Plush Toys for 3D Learning
These toys are intended for children ages 3-5, giving them a head-start on concepts of geometry. Children will be used to playing with their geometric toys and already have an idea about spheres, pyramids, and cubes when they start school.
National Preparedness $100 Giveaway #NatlPrep
Are you prepared in case of emergency? Very few people are – don’t let yourself be one of the families caught without the needed supplies. Learn more and enter the $100 giveaway for a chance to win!
Spring Fling $150 Giveaway – Because we love you!
Some blogging friends and I had gotten into the winter slumps. Not really sick or anything – just dreary and generally “blah”. So we decided to celebrate spring by putting together a Spring Fling Giveaway! $150 gift card to Amazon, sponsored entirely by ourselves for you, our amazing readers. Because we thought it would be […]
Grown-Up Girlfriends and Lessons in True Friendship
We’ve all experienced the ups and downs of friendship. Beginning when we were little girls, we’ve bonded with others over shared interests and have been devastated when certain friendships didn’t work out, whether due to arguments or simply drifting apart over time. We cherished the good and learned from the bad. Now that we’re adults […]
Lego Minecraft at the Top of Christmas Lists
The Christmas shopping season is upon us and if you have teenagers or young children, you know that Minecraft has been one of the most popular games of its time. It seems that everyone is jumping on the Minecraft bandwagon and Lego has joined in the phenomenon as well. Of course, I can’t blame them. […]