When our oldest turned five and began learning to take on more responsibilities I wanted to create a fun way for him to keep track of his chores. I didn’t see anything online that I really liked, so we decided to go with a DIY felt chore chart. I didn’t have a pattern or instructions, so I made it up as I went. I like that there isn’t a point system or red marks; nothing to make him feel bad about himself. The ‘chart’ is placed where we can all see it, so it reminds him (and me) of the chores he needs to do. The sections divide the day and he has complete control over moving the ‘done’ items to the appropriate spaces.
How to make this DIY Felt Chore Chart
- Board or Poster Board
- Sheets of Colored Felt
- Craft Glue
- Permanent Markers
- Ruler or Straight Line
- Cover your board with felt, using craft glue to secure the felt to the board. Let dry.
- Use a ruler and marker to divide the board into times of day the chores should be done. Label the sections.
- Use your markers to draw some shapes on colored felt. Cut the shapes out and put them on the right side of the chart.
- Hang the board
We chose to keep the right side of the board for storing the pieces. As the chores are completed, they are moved to the appropriate time of day on the left side of the chart. Before bed time, our son moves everything back to the right side of the chart so he can start over in the morning. Our son has really enjoyed being in charge of his own chart, and I love being able to look across the kitchen and know at a glance if his chores are done!
In the store, when I picked up the felt, I was a little worried that it didn’t seem to ‘stick’ to itself very well. After we got the chart made and the pieces cut out, we discovered they stick just fine!
Do your kids have chores and things they do to help around the house? How do you track them?
I love it
Adorable – I think I’ll make one for my husband!!! ha/ha
I love the trees from old sweaters craft. So cute! I think I’d like to try making small stuffed animals from old sweaters… wouldn’t they be cozy?
This is super adorable. I could totally see Isabella giggling about this one and making sure her chores are complete!! Thanks for sharing!
Kids really do like being in charge of things and moving the items around is fun. 🙂
What a great idea to get kids motivated to help!
I LOVE this idea!! I am so going to steal this idea for my kids. Thank you!
What a cute idea. Easy for even really little ones to use and it could grow with them!
Love this because kids can then be responsible for adding their own chores onto the chart, especially if they are too young to write.