Freezer cooking is a popular topic on a number of blogs lately, and to the beginner, it can seem a bit overwhelming and maybe even a bit of overkill. Freezer cooking is a great way to stock up your freezer with pre-made meals so you can grab something out on the fly. I’ve come to find that it is really worth it, being a mom of a toddler and a preschooler with a busy schedule. Before you dive into the wealth of information on this topic, let’s look at five of the advantages of freezer cooking.
Freezer Cooking Saves Time
It seems as though everyone I know has something going on everyday. Whether it’s chores around the house, teacher’s conferences or a late dentist appointment, there’s always an activity to keep you busy and out of the kitchen. By stocking your freezer with meals you’ve already prepared, you can significantly cut your prep time when five o’clock has come and you’re just walking in the door. Even when you are having an evening at home, it’s nice to be able to grab something out of the freezer in the morning, defrost it or put it in the crockpot and forget about it. With your main dish ready, you can throw together a simple salad, warm some rolls and dinner is served!
Freezer Cooking Saves Money
Yes, I think it’s convenient to go through the McDonalds drive-thru, too! But more often than not, I should have just saved my money and made something ahead of time for my family. It’s easy to get burned out making several meals and snacks each day at home. Use freezer cooking to your advantage. Buy the ingredients you cook with on sale and use up vegetables from your garden or the farmer’s market (they don’t stay fresh forever!). Meals can be frozen for up to six weeks, saving you money several days during the month where you would have spent it eating out.
Freezer Cooking Reduces Stress
You know those days that all your kids seem to do is fight, your house is a mess and you have a screaming headache on top of it? The last thing you want to do is spend time searching your pantry for ingredients for dinner. (Hmm, what can I make with cream of mushroom soup and pickles?) If you’ve put your pre-made marinated pork chops in the crock pot and let them simmer all day, there’s no need to stress over a meal. Take some Advil, ignore the mess and read some books with the kids. Or, if you have older children, put them in charge of making an easy side dish for dinner. Your stress may just magically disappear!
Freezer Cooking Keeps Your Kitchen Clean
Okay, maybe not on the day of freezer cooking itself. But the beauty of this process is that your kitchen is only a disaster a couple of days out of the month! You’ve already chopped your veggies, measured your wet and dry ingredients and then assembled your dishes in one or two day’s time. That means less mess and fewer dishes each night. And not nearly as many mysterious odors in the garbage disposal. I can tell you, that’s a great feeling!
Freezer Cooking Gives You Time Alone
Maybe I’m reaching a bit with this one, but I really enjoy having the time to myself when I prep my meals. I can turn on the TV or some music and savor a few hours free of diapers, fighting and complaining. (Most of the time spent with my children is wonderful and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! But everyone needs a break sometimes.) Sometimes I just like having it quiet so I can think through my week or month or spend some time in prayer.
Hopefully you’re motivated to try freezer cooking for the first time or the first time in a long time!
Photo Credit: Sporkist/Flickr