Even if you don’t live off the grid, I think it is better to have appliances that don’t require electricity. After all, you never know when you might lose it for a day, a week, or forever. For me, being able to sustain your lifestyle regardless of outside help, like electricity or grocery stores, is what homesteading and sustainability are all about.
Homestead Kitchen Must Haves
1. My percolator – this old boy makes the very best coffee! No filter or electricity needed. Just put in the coffee, fill it with water and put it on the stove burner. It also works on a wood stove, camp stove or open fire. Just about the most versatile coffee making device you will ever have. Try that with your Keurig!
I loved my percolator before it broke (who knew you could break corning-ware?) BUT, it’s rather useless should you loose access to “outside help.” Beyond coffee I’m not certain what you’d do with it, and unless you live in South America, coffee is a luxury you will quickly find yourself without! I would say a good old fashioned tea pot would be more versatile and will allow you to boil a larger amount of water (for heating baths or melting ice) in an emergency. Plus, if you have a tea strainer you can easily make coffee right in the cup!