Planning a green baby shower can be quite simple and entertaining. You’d be surprised at the small things you can change which will jump the baby shower into the green category.
Choose the Theme.
The first thing that you’ll need to do is pick out a theme for the baby shower. There are many themes that are eco-friendly. You can always use earth tones to decorate the party like beige, white and brown. You don’t necessarily have to use earth tones though. Any animal can be used as the basis for the theme like turtles, jungle animals, monkeys or frogs. To the left is an an image of a monkey themed cloth diaper cake to give you some ideas for decorating.
“Green” Decorations
By the way – I found a really comprehensive post with ideas for frog baby shower decorations if you decide on that theme. You can also have the baby shower outdoors. This will reduce the amount of decorations you’ll need, which minimizes waste and saves some extra cash.
If you decide that outdoors isn’t possible for you, use natural decorations like organic, locally grown flowers, or eco-friendly cloth diaper cakes. Ask to reuse decorations from a friend who may have recently had a shower!
Recycling is the greenest thing you can do. Use china and cloth napkins instead of plastic plates and paper napkins. Use silverware instead of plastic utensils; for other eco-friendly décor, do a little online research. With the mass movement of people ‘going green’ there are a lot of options to choose from. I really like Green Planet for their party supply items. You can even have your guests pitch in at minimizing the waste even more by suggesting that they wrap gifts using cloth gift bags. Other reusable resources that are great for gift wrapping include baby bibs or baby blankets.
diaper cake image credits by reactionphotography via live silver prices
Eco-friendly Invitations
One of the most obvious things you can do is send e-vites (emails) instead of traditional paper invitations. Choose some really cute cliparts that match the theme of your party and send out the emails. However, you will also need to call the guests just to remind them of the time and date of the party. If you really want paper invites, you can always send out the ones that are made with recycled materials or natural fibers such as cotton or bamboo.
“Green” Savings
If you are coupon clipper, there is one thing you probably know: deals can be green as well. Coupon Sherpa has a wealth of green coupons in a variety of categories. Take a look at this post of theirs promoting green coupons for kids. Their huge Eco-friendly frugal guide is worth a look as well!
Choose Organic Food.
Visit your local farmer’s market to shop for the party food. Buying locally grown food not only helps your community, but it also reduces the impact that we have on the planet because the food you bought didn’t need to be transported a very long distance. On top of the environmental advantage, buying at the farmer’s market is usually more cost effective.
Party Fun
For entertainment, have everyone get together and choose some guests to share their best childhood story. You can also always play the name that candy bar baby shower game and instead of using disposable diapers you can simply use cloth. It will be a lot more of a mess to clean up afterwords but at least it’s green. Playing games together provides for hours of happy entertainment.
Giving out green party favors is also possible when you change your point of view from traditional to natural. Cloth napkins that match the parties theme, flower seeds, potted plants, or a glass with the baby’s initials on it makes for great party favors, and the perfect complement to your green baby shower.
With a few simple changes in the party planning agenda, you will be on your way to an amazing and green baby shower. For decorations, party games, and more check out Green Planet Parties for all of your supplies!! Here are some more baby shower themes ideas so your party will be a blast. Have fun and go green!
Thanks for these great green tips.. Love the ideas. Another “green” way of inviting people is by using small tees with the invite painted on it. Can be expensive but really cute:-)
My first son have a baby shower and was made in the backyard. I made it a simple and memorable. It turn out just like a picnic and we enjoyed every minute of the day. But this time I’ll try your tips for my youngest son. Thanks for the tips.
I agree make it simple and memorable.The important
is the blessing from godparents. Nice post!
I’ve heard of mother sending a message to the guests saying “rather than give me/the baby a gift, please use the money to plant a tree”. I thought that was a really nice idea!
Yes! This seems more natural/green than buying more products 🙂