To see how to prepare the wall-hanging on the first day see page one.
Day 2, step 4:
Lay your canvases out on a table or counter, in the same way you plan to put them on the wall. Pick a side to anchor your foliage to. You’ll only want to tie your sticks, branches, stems, etc to one canvas. This will make hanging them easier. Start arranging the stems the way you want them. When everything is laid out just right, use a needle and some thread (use a big knot on your thread so it won’t pull thru) and starting from the back, poke the needle through the canvas.
Tack the sticks on in at least 2 places for each stick. If there are any Y’s in the sticks or places where two stems cross create an X pattern with your tread. This will help to secure the branches so they don’t move up, down, or sideways. Tip: Do this at the kitchen counter. With all the stems arranged pull the canvas out towards you so half of it is on the countertop, and half is hanging off, allowing you to get your hand underneath while you’re sewing. Also, use very long sections of thread so you don’t have to tie off and start over too often.
Step 5:
Once all your foliage is tacked to the canvas add any birds, fruit, butterflies, etc. These usually come with wires so you can just tie them right to the branches. If not, some good craft glue should do the trick!
Step 6:
Hang up your artwork. Tip: Use two nails per canvas, spacing them out a bit. This will help to keep them from going off-level (something you’ll notice very easily if you have more than one hanging side by side) and the canvas that has stuff tacked to it will be very off balance; one nail simply won’t do it!
Now, step back and smile with pride. You’ve just created a masterpiece! See how I created a master-bedroom makeover with this project as a wall centerpiece!
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This looks amazing! What a great idea.
That’s some Phoebe Buffay stuff right there.
Very Cool! I love your site.
Thanks Katy! You can subscribe to the newsletter in the top of the sidebar to keep up with other crafty and DIY posts we have.
I love that it’s 3D! This is such a great idea
Ugliest thing I ever seen in my life.
I think it would be easy to adapt to any color scheme. Gray isn’t my favorite color but I’m planning tan and red in our bedroom when we move.