Learn how to save money at home by making your own laundry soap, fire starters, and other neat ideas.
Here are some ways to save money at home by making your own products.
Save Money With Homemade Laundry Soap
Many household items have increased in price lately, and laundry soap is one of them. The detergent can be made at home very easily, and the final cost will be around 1 penny per load!
½ cup Borax
½ cup washing soda
1 bar soap
2 gallons water
The Borax and washing soda can be found at most grocery stores. Do not confuse washing soda with Arm and Hammer laundry detergent or baking soda. Shred the bar of soap into 8 cups of hot water, and melt, stirring occasionally. Add the Borax and the washing soda to 2 quarts of warm water in a five gallon bucket. When the borax and washing soda are dissolved, add the melted soap mixture. Add 1 gallon of water and stir thoroughly. Let it sit for 24 hours. The consistency will be that of chunky soup. Do not expect lots of suds when using this detergent; however, it works as well as commercial detergent, and ends up costing around 1 cent per load. Two batches fit into one five gallon bucket.
Save Money With Fire Starters
Many people are heating their homes with wood in order to save money on heating bills. To make starting those fires easier, make fire starters out of materials that would otherwise be thrown away.
dryer lint
paper egg cartons (not Styrofoam)
wax (paraffin) – found in ordinary grocery stores
Collect dryer lint and egg cartons over time. Stuff each section of the egg carton with lint. Melt the wax in a double boiler, using a large can or pot that will not be used for cooking. Pour the melted wax over the lint in the egg cartons. Store the new packages of fires starters near the fire place or wood stove, and start each fire with one section of the egg carton.
Save Money With All Purpose Cleansers
There are many recipes on the internet for homemade all purpose cleanser. It is easy, however, to make commercial cleanser inexpensive. Simple fill a spray bottle one fourth full of cleanser, and fill the rest with water. This dilutes the cleanser to make it last much longer, and is still effective enough for mostly cleansing jobs. Another option is using bleach rather than commercial cleanser. Use with caution, however, because whatever the bleach solution comes in contact with will develop bleach spots.
Save Money on Window Cleansers
The easiest and cheapest way to clean windows or mirrors is a 50/50 mixture of white, distilled vinegar and water. Obtain a cheap spray bottle at a local grocery store (consider checking the gardening center or house plant department) and fill with the mixture.
Save Money on Christmas Candy
It seems strange to begin a segment on Christmas candy with Halloween, but therein lays the secret. On Halloween night, when Trick or Treating is over, allow the children to eat all they want. After they have gone to bed for the night, collect the remaining candy and hide it in the freezer. Come Christmas time, ask Santa Claus to put it in the Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve! Get two holidays out of one bulk candy purchase!
Save Money on Soda Pop
Many fast food restaurants are starting to have “Happy Hours,” when they offer fountain drinks at half off. Plan errand-running trips around these “Happy Hours.” When the drink is consumed, do not throw away the cups. Even more gas stations are offering refills on fountain sodas if the cup is brought in. Often the costs are less than $1; some establishments offer refills for 50 cents.
The secret to most money-saving ideas is creativity. Think about what is being spent, and find a unique way to provide the same thing in a cheaper way. Just think outside the box . . . and never, ever pay for a box!
How do you save money in creative ways?
When I can’t coupon my way to free cleaning supplies, I make my own at home, as well. It’s amazing what vinegar and orange rinds can clean!
The homemade laundry soap has saved me a ton! I used to spend about $25 a month on detergent, and I spent about $22 on the ingredients for the homemade detergent that has now lasted me 3 mOnths and I still have about 1/3 of the detergent left! I am such a believer! Plus I always add a little more to get thing “extra clean” and don’t feel like I’m throwing money away. Works amazing and smells great with the zote soap. Will never go back to overpriced detergent again!
Wonderful tips! I buy my laundry detergent in bulk at Costco and it lasts over 6 months! I also buy Halloween candy on clearance and use it for Christmas! It saves so much money! Stopping by from BCC.