In this corner, operating with an impressive 1000 watts, and a seriously sharp blade – the NJ600 Ninja™ Professional Blender. And in this corner, with an equally impressive 900 watts and multiple speeds – the sleek, silver fox of the juicing world – The Breville® Juice Fountain. Are you ready to… Okay, that’s enough of […]
Juicing for Health Guide
Juicing is HOT right now. You cannot scroll through Pinterest without seeing pins featuring juice cleanses, recipes or diets. Juicing isn’t a new concept. Jack Lalanne preached the health benefits of juicing for years, and if you’ve seen the documentary “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” you know that Joe Cross set out to change, or […]
Chocolate Beet Cake for Healthier Dessert
Beets have been a long-time favorite and for good reason – easy to grow, sweeter than you would expect, and colorful making it a yummy kids treat. But beets in a cake? Can you do that? Apparently so! Caroline says, Remember how I’ve made chocolate things with black beans? Well, it’s like that. You hide them […]
What To Do With Beets
Canned beets, pickled beets, grated beets, and even beet cake and dyes. If you’re desperate to use the fall harvest or you simply love beets, here are a few new ways to use all of that fresh fall produce.