There are over 40 million caregivers in the US so chances are if you aren’t currently in a caregiver role, you know someone who is. I know I do. So I’m grateful that AARP has resources to help!
The DIY Mechanic Gift Set
A DIY mechanic gift set! My brother-in-law fancies himself an amateur car-fix-it guy, so we decided to give him some supplies to feed this habit. Before you start the gift-giving brainstorm over with birthdays and Father’s Day,
Dear Dad, You’re the Best
Dear Dad, I know sometimes you think I don’t notice all you do for us, but I do. I just might not realize how special these things are until I’m older. I still think all kids have it as good as I do. But I notice. When you put yourself in harm’s way to protect […]
Five Great Gifts for Dad: Gift Ideas for Fathers for Christmas
Wondering what gift to give Dad for Christmas? If you want something different from the same old sweater getting wrapped up as a present for Dad, here is the answer. Read on to find 5 great gifts for fathers for Christmas.