Something as simple as a sick child can throw your daily schedule into a frenzy. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to provide a sick or stressed friend with a home-cooked meal on a moment’s notice – and without neglecting your responsibilities to your own family.
Reduce Stress and Maintain Morale During an Emergency
Emergencies bring stress. There really is no way around that. But there are things one can do to reduce that stress and maintain morale.
Getting Prepared – Many Uses for Bulk Salt
Recently, I read a novel titled “Alas, Babylon,” by Pat Frank. This book was written in 1959 and is about the long-feared nuclear war anticipated during the ’60s. The experiences of the survivors brought new ideas to my own emergency preparation plans. One item that became critical in large quantities was salt. I have always […]
Prepare Your Electronics for Bad Weather
Weather happens all year ’round. (I know, I have such a grasp for the obvious!) But with our society’s increased dependence on electronics for communication and entertainment, and even work, it is important that we take a few minutes to plan ahead for how ad weather impacts our electronic world. In all bad weather conditions, the […]
Get Your Vehicle Prepared for Bad Weather
The 2014 Snow in Atlanta was sort of a surprise. As near as I can tell, the various weather services upgraded the alert in the wee hours of the morning, so people probably were not aware of the upgrade. However, all weather sites that I have seen have up to a 10-day forecast. You can […]
What Atlanta Teaches Us About Weather Safety
No matter where you live or what your circumstance is, you have a need to be prepared for emergencies. Never assume it can’t happen to you, or that it won’t happen here. Citizens in the Southern United States are learning the hard way: it is wise to expect the unexpected and be prepared! Here are […]
Get Prepared – Unexpected Explosions
Such tragedy in the news this week. Bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Accidental explosions at a fertilizer plant in Texas. And you can probably think of others in recent history. These types of emergencies can hardly be anticipated in the same way as a bad storm or natural disaster. But can […]
Get Prepared: A Natural First Aid Kit
In addition to a home first aid kit, I like to keep an herbal “first aid” kit for emergencies. The following natural remedies are always good to have at home. Homeopathic remedies should not be stored next to strong smells, so keep your homeopathic tablets separately from your essential oils. Useful Natural Remedies for a […]
Get Prepared – Shoes and Clothing for Emergencies
In our “Get Prepared” Series, we’ve been learning to plan ahead for a 2-4 week power outage. We’ve talked about laundry and water . . . but what clothes would make the duration more comfortable? Plan to store some clothes for each member of the family, and keep the sizes updated. And Go Large. It […]
Movie Review – The Wave, or Die Welle
Wow! My family just finished watching a very powerful movie. Since I am currently taking a German class, I was naturally introduced to German culture. This film, Die Welle (The Wave) was recommended. It is available through Netflix, is a German film, with a German setting, by German actors, in GERMAN! But it does have […]