How are you teaching your children to be safe in the age of smart phones? It’s important to be proactive as a parent about these things because even if your children don’t have cell phones, other kids your children interact with do!
I’m going to be attending an AT&T Mobile Safety School course this weekend to learn more about what we can do as parents to keep our kids safe, but here are some things that come immediately to mind:
~ Check your kids’ contacts and messages on a frequent basis. Make sure you stay involved in their lives and their friends and what is going on.
~ Keep the lines of communication open with your kids. Do you make specific time each day to talk with your kids? These times around the dinner table or in the car after school can be key times to touch base with your car and find out what’s going on in their lives.
~ Don’t shield them from the truth about consequences of misuse. It’s ok to be blunt about what might happen if they misuse their phones. “That boy got expelled from school because he was sending mean texts and videos on his phone.” “See those pictures this girl from your school posted on her Facebook page? They could keep her from getting a college scholarship or a good job.”
Giveaway! One Untrained Reader will be able to win a $50 Giftcard and a chance to attend the AT&T Mobile Safety School session.
The virtual Mobile Safety School schedule is as follows:
- Oct. 23 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 8-11
- Oct. 24 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 12-14
- Oct. 25 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 15-17
To Enter! Leave a comment and let me know what age you let your kids have a cell phone or what your rules for cell phone use will be (or are).
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Open to US Residents only, 18 and over. Giveaway ends Saturday, October 20, 2012. This is a sponsored post but all photos and opinions are mine.
Mami2jcn says
My kids are still young but I think I would consider a cell phone for them when they are 13 or 14 (for emergencies).
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Amanda Sakovitz says
When my kids are old enough to have a cell phone I will definitely limit their minutes and they can’t talk on it during dinner.
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Tabathia B says
My kids had phones from the age of around 13 – 14 and no cell phones at the table, during homework and can take to school for safety only. No posting or texting any inappropriate pictures or forwarded rumours.
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B says
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Ashley H says
I’d let them have one when they are 12 or 13.
Ashley H says
Follow on twitter @hewella1.
Jessie C. says
They can have their phones at the age of 14 or so, hubby and I have reached the agreement of it.
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dani marie says
no kids yet, but i dont think kids should have a cell phone until they are at least 13.
Angela Cisco says
My son got his for his 13th birthday, he can only call certain people and he has to pay for his own minutes.
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Jennifer says
My daughter got a phone when she turned 10… and for emergency calls only- she can ONLY dial 911 or my cell phone! We can also track her phone with GPS
sandra says
they don’t have their own cell phones yet but play with ours
karisB says
Kids ages are 10,12, 15, 16, 18. The 16 & 18 have phones. The 12 and 15 have ipods, so they can text, but not talk.
we have had a hard time setting up guidelines or safe guards.
jeanne conner says
My girls got phones when they started High school…
Holly B says
No kids yet, so I’ve got a while to work out what my rules will be (and I imagine the technology will change quite a bit by then as well). I do think its crazy how young some kids get cell phones, but maybe I’ll feel differently when the time comes?
Holly B says
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Thomas Murphy says
When my kids turn 13 I will let them have cell phones.
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Elisabeth says
We’re not there yet but I would consider them having a phone around 13… maybe only to use when they are away from us.
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Jessica F says
I’ll let my kids get a cell phone in high school.
Jessica F says
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Harmony B says
I think 12 is a good age to get a phone
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Joe C says
My son is 6 months old right now, I think 14 will be a good age.
samW says
well my son is 15 & doesn’t have one yet….though all his friends do – maybe once he starts driving?!?
Alaine says
They will be able to get a cell phone at 13.
family74014 at gmail dot com
samW says
Amy Lee says
I probably won’t let my kids have a cell phone until they were at least 13, and I’d have strict rules about it, too!
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lauren knott says
I would say 13,
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