You know when you’re a kid and there are those certain things that are so special. Fashion, fads and even that certain turn of phrase? I think it’s amazing how in some ways things have changed so much and in other ways, very little.

My preschool photo. I’m three years old here.
Remember when the big phrase was “Hang Ten”? By the time I was in Junior High “rad” had come and gone. Now we have words that have evolved out of our technology like “Google it” or “She’s my BFF.”

Brianna at almost 4 years old.
Brianna’s favorite shirt at that age was the one with the butterflies. She still loves butterflies and has a sequined jacket with butterflies that is still a favorite.

Raggidy Ann Costume at Four Years Old
My doll growing up was Raggidy Ann, and then later, a Cabbage Patch doll around the age of seven. The coolest thing? When my Mother-in-law gave Brianna a Cabbage Patch doll. I thought to myself, “Wow! I didn’t realize those were still around!”

Yes, the doll was as big as she was. Brianna, 7 months old.
Do you remember friendship bracelets? I was showing Brianna earlier this month how to make friendship bracelets out of embroidery floss. When I was in school I knotted dozens of these for the kids at school and would trade and sell them.

Friendship bracelet I made for Brianna. Can’t believe I remembered how!
And now there are these cool Text Bands. They exchange messages with a fist bump or high five….my kids are using them to send secret Ninja spy messages.

Micah checking out the new “Secret Ninja Code” I sent him.
Here I am getting ready for school my Kindergarten year. Note the Strawberry Shortcake lunch box I was so proud of.

I feel so stylish for my first day of school
I also remember thinking my little 110 camera was so fabulous and high tech. I could change the film out myself and felt SO grown up having a camera of my own. Now Brianna has a small digital camera that she got when she turned five. I know she feels equally as grown-up as I did at her age. Full circle, eh?

Brianna showing off her style.
This post is this month’s contribution to the campaign which you should check out if you haven’t seen everyone’s amazing posts yet. I am compensated for my participation, but that is totally my Strawberry Shortcake lunch box – so no grabsies.
What fads, fashions, and technologies were important to you growing up? Did you have anything that you were especially proud of as a child? What do your kids find they “must-have” today, and do you indulge them in certain fads and trends?
I remember friendship bracelets! I have never seen those texting bracelets you are talking about though. My daughter is only 3 so we haven’t ventured into those type of toys yet.
They are brand new from Hallmark. Can you imagine? You can program yours to send a specific message and then the other bracelet will pick it up when you put them together. Insanely cool…my kids love them.
Friendship Bracelets!!!!!!! You have just re-inspired me to make some. I wonder if I can remember how to make them, lol-but I am going to try. I remember making them as a child, it was always a relaxing and creative outlet for me.
I can post a tutorial. It was relaxing once you hit that “zone” and didn’t take me long to get back in the habit. I made a four-strand from Brianna…maybe I’ll make one just a little thicker for myself.
Y’all look so much alike!
Scary isn’t it?
Braided friendship bracelets were definitely something I was into and now my daughters love them and same rubber type ones I had too. Texting Bracelets? What will they think up next?
Those jelly bracelet things? I didn’t really get any of those. The real question is – what was on your lunch box?
I adored this post! Amazing how much she looks like you – your freckles, your eyes – all of it! WOW!
I tried to find photos of us near the same age with similar hair or stances which makes it really (REALLY) obvious. Lol! Hilarious isn’t it?
Two cuties…then and now!
Thanks for scanning in the photos for me. 🙂
I’m so jealous that you’ve got someone to scan photos in for you! (Not really – but I wish I did!)
I’ve been amazed, since having children, at the phrases that don’t ever go away. Things like “cooties” and “nanny nanny boo boo” and “eeny meeny miney moe”. Someone has to be passing down these phrases but it’s not me! I’ve never spoken them to my children and yet…they somehow know them.
I remember finding out that My Little Pony was still around when my daughter was about three or four. She loved them and I had fun seeing her play with something that I enjoyed as a kid, too.
(I had a Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox, too!)
LOL! I know! The first time Brianna told Evan he had cooties I was like “Who taught you about cooties!?” She just looked at me as though I were the craziest person on the planet and said “Mom, I thought EVERYONE knew about cooties.”
Ang – I JUST taught my girls to make those friendship bracelets!! I was thinking the same thing – “Wow! I remember!” LOL!
Love this!! I love Hallmark. Walking in there always brings back many memories for me.
Seeing the photos of you (bringing back my own memories) and then of your daughter brings back all those “I want a daughter” feelings. I have always wanted a daughter and having four boys I feel in a way like I’m losing out in reliving my childhood through them.
I’m looking forward to my sister having her baby and getting to buy Cabbage Patch dolls and My Little Pony. I remember going to the adoption center at the Cabbage Patch factory. Of course we no longer have those dolls but the memories are still there.
So now I have to figure out what to do with boys – the “dolls” are a little tougher but I’m sure it’s all going to be the same. Kids being kids and having fun – that will never change!
I can’t believe how much Brianna resembles you! The likeness is uncanny.