You never know when you are going to have a major emergency. If you were to be stuck in some type of natural disaster, you would be miserable if you were not prepared. Thankfully, it has never been easier than it is right now to be ready for any kind of disaster.
Here are some things that everyone should have just in case:
- Water is a necessity for everyone. Thankfully, we can buy bottled water by the case. If you see it on sale for a decent price, go ahead and pick up a few cases here and there. You will use it sooner or later.
- Candles are also a necessity. You never know when the lights are going to go out. If you want to be able to see what is going on around you, make sure that you have plenty of candles and matches.
- Obviously, food is going to be important in an emergency. Many people rely on electric can openers. This is good if you have power. Make sure that you also have a manual can opener so that you do not starve. Many people are making the decision to purchase freeze dried foods because they taste amazing and they are easily stored. It does not matter which way you decide to go. Make sure that the food you buy is rotated so that it does not go bad. There is no reason to starve in an emergency, but emergency food storage supplies are a must.
- Batteries are going to be very important when the power is out. Make sure that you have a radio that is battery operated. This way, you can listen to the news to find out whether or not you need to vacate. Remember, you are not going to have power to charge your cell phone. Always have an extra battery that is kept in a warm place. Make sure that you rotate the battery from the one in your phone so that it it can charge.
- Extra clothing is always a good idea, and make sure that you also rotate clothes just in case they wear out or you or your kids grow out of them.
- Wood and newspaper for a fire. If you are fortunate enough to have a fireplace in your home, it may be your source of heat when the power goes out.
If you are prepared now for an emergency, you will have nothing to worry about when the time comes. What is left on your disaster preparedness list?
Editor’s Note: Be on the lookout for the first book in the Untrained Housewife Guide series, The Untrained Housewife’s Guide to Getting Prepared – available soon!