Mabel’s Labels are waterproof and UV-resistant. I stuck a few labels onto cups, tupperware and tubs and did a water test. I washed the cups and tupperware a total of ten times. I then had my two and three year old boys go to town on the tubs with a hose and water guns. Their “mission” was to get the labels off. Mission failed!
My First Oreck Toy Vacuum Review
My First Oreck is an adorable toy vacuum that keep kids entertained in a practical and engaging way. It is recommended for ages three and up, and both my two and three year old boys love it. The vacuum makes real vacuum sounds, has a clear dust container with swirling colored foam bead, LED lights under the base and a real on and off switch. The My First Oreck is 29 inches tall with an adjustable handle ans also comes with chore flash cards.
“Caramelo” by Sandra Ciseros a Tale of an Immigrant Mexican Girl’s Search for Identity (Book Review)
Cisneros writes a book about a complex immigrant family trying to fit within a set of predetermined societal and cultural rules while trying to uncover the truths of the past. Caramelo is an ethnic-cultural novel about identities and the homeland.
“Confessions of a Shopaholic” Movie Offers Important Financial Message
Confessions of a Shopaholic is a bright comedy film about how out-of-control shoppers ruin their lives. It shows how shopping can be just as much of an addiction as alcohol, cocaine, and other drugs, and how money issues can make people lie to their friends and family.
Introducing Kids to Distant Relatives for the Holidays
Family gatherings can be such special times. But when family members get together for the holidays who do not often see one another, such as with military families, it is important to prepare children ahead of time. A few basic rules, help with transitions, and reminders of home can make the difference between joy and disaster.
Christmas Bingo for Big Families
Money is often tight in big families. Instead of getting everyone in the family one or two individual gifts, consider a Christmas raffle or bingo night. Make Christmas more about spending time together than about spending time opening gifts and make it more memorable.
Easy Chicken Dinner Ideas to Stretch a Dollar
Make a simple roasted chicken work overtime by buying one store-bought, shredding it to make multiple meals, then using the bones to make a chicken stop for soups and cooking.
Use a Modified Cash System to Save Money
Though the cash system may not be for everyone, especially those who constantly make big payments more than once per week, it can be modified to work with any family’s budget.
Carry Cash and Create a Money Bond
A penny saved is a penny earned, and a dollar unspent turns into hundreds really quickly. This is why carrying cash is so much better than using a debit or a credit card.