Eating healthy, saving money, living substantially – does that sound like something that interests you? If your answer is yes, then you don’t want to miss out on the most comprehensive resource book on Backyard Farming (on an Acre more or less) by our own Angela England. Learning the skills of our ancestors and applying them to everyday living, whether rural or urban, is becoming more and more attractive in our declining economy. England’s book spells out what your need to know, from how to find land, to building projects, and beyond. One of the best assets is the fine print, boxed in as ‘thorny issues’, that keeps you from making beginning mistakes.
Backyard Farming (on an Acre more or less) is a wealth of practical advice and application. England includes several chapters on gardening, from planting, to harvesting, to preserving and storing your crops. There are delicious recipes for bringing your abundance from backyard to dining room table. Growing drying and using herbs; fruits and berries; to bee keeping is included in this invaluable coffee table guide.
Chapters on animals deal with goats, sheep, chickens and other fowl. England discuss homegrown fibers, spinning, soap making, candles – everything you need to know to make your home self-sufficient can be found in this excellent book.