Long-term stress means that your body is constantly on high alert, and high levels of stress can over time lead to health problems and even severe illnesses. It is important to learn to relax and to manage your stress symptoms. Stressful things will always happen in life, but it is possible to learn to manage stress.
Get Prepared: Major First Aid During a Long Term Power Outage
Pretend with me . . . There has just been major tornado, ice storm or earthquake near your home. The electrical power will be out for two weeks. During that two week period of time, you have run out of gasoline, the local gas station is also without power and you cannot leave your home. […]
What Stress Does to Your Health
Stress is a natural response to a threat – it is a part of your body’s alarm system that is meant to protect you against danger. In the past a dangerous situation may have involved being attacked by a predator (say, a saber tooth tiger), but modern life seems to put increasing demands on all […]
Stressed Out: How to Recognize Stress Symptoms
Stress is a part of the body’s natural alarm system that is meant to protect you in dangerous situations. The body reacts to stress in the same way as it would react to a major threat: it starts to produce more adrenaline and cortisol – the “stress hormone”. As a part of the natural response […]
Skin Bumps on Upper Arms – Use This Foot Scrub
At one time or another, most of us, especially teenagers, get those annoying skin bumps on the upper arms. Not the big red acne bumps, but those small skin bumps my mom always called ‘dirt bumps’. It always made me feel like I wasn’t washing good enough, but no matter how hard I washed them […]
Demineralization – Can You Correct it With Mineralization?
Demineralization occurs when the tooth enamel begins to dissolve, leaving your tooth exposed causing the pain most people refer to as ‘sensitive teeth’. There is nothing worse than having sensitive teeth except for the fact that if you don’t correct it, the sensitivity will only get worse and cause more dental problems. You can protect […]
Best Pet Insurance to Protect your Pet and your Budget
Getting a new pet is a big financial decision that many people take much too lightly. Pet care is more than buying supplies and feeding your pet. Unexpected health costs are enough to cause some families to give up their new family members and even euthanize them. Getting pet insurance protects you from going into […]
Feline Upper Respiratory Infection: A Common Cat Disease
Sneezing and coughing are frequent symptoms in cats, particularly in kittens. Upper respiratory infection is the most common cause of these symptoms. Feline upper respiratory infections are sometimes referred to as “cat colds.” What Causes Feline Upper Respiratory Infections? There are a number of different viruses and bacteria that can cause upper respiratory infections […]
Canine Parvovirus: A Potentially Fatal Threat to Your Dog
Canine parvovirus is most serious in puppies and young dogs. It causes severe bloody diarrhea and vomiting and can be fatal. Vaccination is available.
Is Heartworm Prevention Medicine Necessary for Your Dog?
Heartworms can cause heart disease and other serious symptoms, including death. Heartworm prevention is simple, effective, safe and highly recommended.
Hookworm Infections in Dogs, Cats and Humans
Hookworms are common parasites for both dogs and cats, with kittens and puppies being particularly susceptible. Besides possessing the ability to make our pets sick, hookworms also have the ability to infect humans as well.
Cookies for the Cure – You can Help by Sharing Your Story
I love cookies. I remember every time we had company when I was little, my mom would buy Pepperidge Farm Cookies – usually Milanos. For company she said.