When you are young and carefree, the last thing on your mind is saving money for your future. You can’t wait to get that $20 from grandpa for mowing the yard because you have been dreaming about what you will get to spend it on. But as you grow older, you realize that it takes […]
How I Save Money and Save Sanity With Goodwill
When it is time to buy your kids’ books, clothes, toys and other essential items, where do you go first? Think about some of the things that you buy for your family regularly. Could you get those things at Goodwill?
Foreclosure Is Scary – But There Is Real Help Available
June is National Home Ownership Month, but many Americans are still struggling to make their mortgage payments. About 1 in 17 homeowners nationwide have fallen behind on their mortgage payments, putting them at a higher risk of foreclosure. A home is where important life memories are made, where family and friends can gather, and where […]
Teaching Kids About Money in 7 Easy Steps
The true job of imparting financial literacy belongs to parents. Try these seven simple and easy methods of laying a firm foundation of financial common sense in your children.
When Backyard Gardening Doesn’t Save You Money
All of the money saving experts said it was the best way for apartment dwellers to grow food cheaply. Who was I to argue? Learn from my container-gardening mistakes.
5 Ways to Keep Your Budget In Check During the Holidays
It is possible to keep your budget in check during the holidays. Others may laugh, but think of the amount you’ll be saving!
Create Your Home Filing System for Your Bills
Staying on top of your bills is a must to help take control of your family finances. You need a method of deal with the bills that come through your post or emails, and then record your payment due dates.
How to Get Free Stuff for Your Home and Family Using Listia
Using these tips, you can get a lot of free stuff for your family and have fun in the process.
Stretching Thanksgiving Day Meals Without Eating Leftovers Everyday
Thanksgiving is a perfect day of the week to share food, love, and good cheer. It is also a good day to practice the art of meal planning and extending.
How to Make Money Raising Chickens at Home
You know there is nothing like naturally grown, organic eggs and chicken meat fresh from your own backyard in terms of taste and quality. This could actually be your marketing pitch when you begin making a small side business out of your chickens.
Who to Place in Charge of Family Finances
Some families will decide to place the main breadwinner in the family in charge of the finances. There is nothing wrong with going down this route, but is the principal breadwinner in the house enough to handle the finances? Who is in the best position to manage the budget?
Setting Up Your First Family Budget
I remember hearing all the time about how important a budget was. The problem is that I’m useless with numbers. I don’t mind using spreadsheets, but when it comes to doing calculations within them and working with numbers, I’m useless. There’s a possibility that you are too, and it may be putting you off starting […]