A few months ago, I was still pregnant with child number four, and Organic Gender sent us their gender prediction kit for review. I blogged about it at the time, along with other gender prediction methods. You guys shared your trusty tells, and we all waited.
And waited.
My kids “cook” for awhile.
If you missed that post, Organic Gender is based on an ancient method, watching how certain seeds grow under a pregnant mama’s urine. It takes about a week, and while it isn’t difficult, it is a bit involved. A noteworthy complaint is that it’s a touch smelly (using strong morning urine), and your household might be a bit squicked out by it. But everyone had fun watching the sprouts come up. Our sprouts told us boy, as did some of the “old wives’ tales” that we checked out for comparison. For review, the main prediction methods:
Organic Gender: Boy
Ring Test: Girl
Chinese Calendar: Inconclusive (Lunar Calendar or Gregorian? Each gives different answers for each of my kids.)
Belly: Boy
Mayan Age Prediction: Girl
From the comments on that post, we also looked at the hairline of our previous kids (inconclusive), morning sickness (girl), and the reminder that birth is the most accurate way of knowing. We agree!
Organic Gender Accuracy Vs. Old Wives Tales
So, after waiting some weeks after the post, the day finally came. At 41 weeks 4 days, I woke up to contractions at 3 in the morning. Four hours and 45 minutes later, my 10 lb 8 oz, 23″ long baby was in my very tired arms. Lots of dark hair (hey, old wives, is that why I had heartburn?), and big blue eyes. Water-born, the midwife always lays the baby on my chest and immediately throws a blanket on us to keep baby warm. That moment is my favorite, with oxytocin all around, the smell and feel of velvety new skin, and the secret that I get to learn and then reveal.
Baby’s out! Oh, and a girl, too!
While Organic Gender didn’t get it quite right, we had not planned to know for sure anyway. It’s possible that we should have used purified water (via their troubleshooting/tips). It’s possible that (TMI) the yeast infection I had off and on had something to do with it. Or, maybe I’m just not one of the 70% whose results are accurate.
We have a number of reasons for not pursuing ultrasounds unless they are medically indicated, and for us that is perfectly fine. I don’t think birth would be quite the same without that moment where I get to tell the world the first thing we know about our newest little. But I know some people like to know, even though they have reservations about ultrasound technology.
My kids had a blast with the “race” of watching each gender’s sprouts grow, and it was fun to see how all of the predictions stood up against each other. I would recommend Organic Gender if nothing else for the fun of it, just remember to take it with a grain of salt, and stack it up with others, too. If nothing else to remind yourself that no one knows quite yet. But don’t worry, you are close. Stock up on yellow onesies, place your bets, and relish that moment when someone says, “It’s a…!” There’s really nothing like it.
Organic Gender sent me a kit to review, but I was not held to any opinions. The review, and the squishy HUGE baby, are both wholly mine. Excuse me while I go sniff her hair…