Motherhood is incredibly joyous, uplifting and yes, tiring. Being a new mom can involve changing diapers, handling feeds, dealing with sleepless nights and much more. However, new mothers can also have a lot more fun with a little baby and spend time engaging in enjoyable activities that bring them closer to one another. Here are five fun and free baby activities for new mothers to get to know baby better.
1. Books are a Great Way to Bond with Baby
Reading books is a great way to bond with baby. Here is a review of a simple yet beautiful look at The Bible for toddlers and preschoolers. One can read to baby, look at pictures or simply, leaf through a magazine. My daughter enjoyed looking at my cookbooks right from the time she was six months old. In other words, you don’t have to stick with baby board books only.
Read from a book that you’re currently reading. Babies love to hear the sound of their mothers’ voices and are soothed by it. If you are placing baby on your lap while reading, let her feel the book, its pages and even, gum the cover a little. So, don’t hand her your treasured classics. Yet.
2. Use Music to Soothe and Calm Baby
Music is another fun and easy way to spend time with baby and bond with him. Put on some nice, pleasant music and either simply lie on the bed listening to it or hold baby and sway gently to the rhythm. Babies generally love music and again, one does not have to listen to baby songs all the while. Play your favorite artists, instrumental music or even, classical renditions. Just ensure that the music isn’t harsh or too loud for baby’s tiny eardrums.
3. Visiting the Zoo or Pet Store is a Fun Baby Activity
Most babies love the zoo or pet store. Take baby either one of these places for a visit and watch him gurgle and giggle at the sight of puppies, rabbits and kittens. The aquarium is yet another baby favorite. The colorful fish and the water fascinate babies and keep them completely absorbed.
4. Baby Bonding and Shopping Sprees
Bond with baby over a window-shopping spree. Put baby in the stroller and take him for a walk through the aisles of a grocery store or even, a fabric store. The colors, textures and sounds offer a lot of visual and auditory stimulation and a trip like this is a fun way to spend an easy hour or more with baby.
5. Spend Time Outdoors with Baby
Who says, baby bonding can only happens indoors? If the weather is fine, take baby out for a picnic. Spread a clean sheet on the grass. Put his toys out and let him have fun in the fresh air. In fact, make these mom and baby picnics a weekly or monthly affair and invite a few other new mothers with their babies along for the company. It can be a fun and free way for new moms to spend time swapping notes as well.
As with all baby-related activities, make sure that you schedule them for times when baby is fed and rested. Also, do keep talking to baby while you window shop or look at puppies in the pet store. This will not only help you bond but will also help build baby’s language skills. Most important, let these simple baby activities be your special time with your little one and get to know more about his preferences, temperament and personality.
Photo Credit: Beth Nazario