If your closet is a source of embarrassment and frustration and you are tripping over shoes every morning, then it’s time to de-clutter. Your closet may never look like a celebrity’s (if it does already, then what the heck are you reading this for?!), but it can be given an inexpensive makeover to be the functioning closet that you need. Bonus results from de-cluttering your closet: your appearance and attire will improve when you are keeping items that fit you well and that your truly love to wear (I speak from experience here, I noticed I was wearing a lot of T-shirts with holes in them before this project…)
First things first, you need to be in the right mind set for this task. This is not a project you start at 7 p.m. on a weeknight. Depending on the size of your closet and the intensity of your closet clutter, you will want to set aside a 1/2 day to 2 days to tackle this project (any longer and you risk never finishing). Full disclosure – I worked on this for one full day when my children were out of the house and I had zero distractions.
This may sound like an unpleasant task that you’d rather not waste a day off completing, but it is worth it to remove the clutter from your closet and give the unwanted items a new home. This will free up some mental and physical space – which is more valuable than that outdated pair of overalls you never plan on wearing again. So, print of your free printable checklist, and let’s get to it!
How to De-Clutter Your Closet
Don’t look at your closet size as the problem- more than likely your closet has plenty of space, but what you are trying to cram in the closet might be a tad excessive. Ask yourself these questions before beginning.
Questions to ask yourself before beginning:
- What is my goal in de-cluttering my closet? For it to become more functioning? To provide storage space? To be able to find clothes each morning with ease? The answer to this question will help you make a plan moving forward.
- What belongs in this closet? Is it just for clothes? Or clothes and shoes? Do I need to store gift wrap or office supplies as well? If you need to use your closet for more than just clothes, make sure there isn’t another area in your home where these items would be better stored.
- Do I need 100s of pairs of shoes? You aren’t Imelda Marcos for crying out loud. Pare down (pun intended) your shoe collection to by deciding which ones you actually wear, pairs you need for special occasions (just a few!) and donate or sell the rest. I have two hanging shoe organizers so I only keep enough shoes that fit in those organizers. If I want a new pair then, I have to get rid of an old pair.
- Does this article of clothing fit me? Is it flattering? Do not save clothes that don’t fit you. If you are hanging on to maternity clothes because you are not sure if you are done having children, than consider storing them in an airtight bin and keeping that in your attic, basement or garage – or loan the clothes to friends who are currently expecting. If the item would fit with some minor alterations, than take it to the seamstress.
- When did I wear the item last? If it has been more then 3-6 months (adjust for seasonal items), then it is time to let it go.
- Am I saving the item for sentimental reasons? Have I saved every t-shirt from team sports, college, sporting event, 5k run etc.? Do I need to keep them all? If they hold sentimental value then consider a t-shirt quilt or photo collage)
- What must be on hangers and what can be folded? This will help you when deciding how to designate areas in your closet.
Next: Steps to Declutter Your Closet