How do you look after your health when you have practically no time for yourself? It is too typical for women to put ourselves and our own health and well-being last. Always looking after everyone else, forgetting your own needs and neglecting your health is too easy when you’re busy at work or at home (or writing articles to meet a deadline).
When you have little time, taking care of yourself somehow ends up at the bottom of the list of priorities. So the first step to take is to set aside time just for you. Even if it is just ten or fifteen minutes at the end of the day or in the morning. Even a small change every day can have a big impact on your health: read Angela’s Little Steps for a Healthy Lifestyle for inspiration.
The Untrained Housewife has loads of tips for looking after yourself if you have just 10 or 15 minutes each day. If you have neglected exercise for too long and if you think getting fit takes a lot of time or money, check out these articles and tips for exercising at home and for using exercise videos and DVDs to get fit. It is actually better to exercise even 15 minutes every day than to do a long session once a week:
How to Be Successful with Home Video Workouts: Starting an Exercise DVD Routine
Fit by Sara Postpartum Total Body Toning Review: One-Day Workout
Jackie Warner Personal Training: One-Day Workout
Pilates for Beginners 10 Minute Solution Review: One-Day Workout
Try Cardio Circuits at Home with No Equipment
Working Out on a Budget: Low-Cost and No-Cost Workout Options
Looking after yourself does not need to be expensive and it does not have to take a lot of time out of your day. Try a homemade beauty treatment once a week or pour yourself a relaxing aromatherapy bath:
Energizing Aromatherapy Bath Blends
Three Simple Relaxing Aromatherapy Bath Blends
Three Easy Natural Homemade Beauty Treatments
You might even want to decide to take an hour or two once a week or once a month just for yourself. A regular massage, even if it is a monthly massage, is one of the most enjoyable ways to look after yourself, to prevent stress and to relieve aches and pains. Try aromatherapy massage, traditional Thai massage or treat yourself to an Ayurvedic massage. An hour or two once or twice a month is not that much time out of your routine – so make the decision to spend that time on treating yourself and looking after your health.
Photo: J. Vílchez (Wikimedia Commons)