Baby toys are great, but they can be so much money for what they really are. After walking around a store, I realized that my daughter was intrigued by a toy that simply made lots of colors move around. To avoid paying the store prices, I knew that this was something I could easily make from home. It was different from the store’s toy, but it works just as well.
What You Need:
- Empty clear bottle ie. feeding bottle, water bottle, pop bottle
- Water
- Colored materials ie. candy wrappers, colored sponges
Step One: Grab a Clear Bottle
This can be any type of bottle. I used a small feeding bottle that my daughter has grown out of – she needs much more than the bottle can give her. The benefit of this is that she can hold the bottle herself, but any clear bottle will work, including 2-liter pop bottles. Make sure that the lid fastens and that your child can’t unfasten it while playing.
Safety warning: if using a feeding bottle, please make sure you put the lid on it securely to avoid your child drinking the water.
Step Two: Fill Half-Way with Water
Don’t fill it all the way to the top, as you need space to shake the water later. I filled mine half-way and it worked great.
Step Three: Place Colored Materials Inside
I’ve used colored wrappers from chocolate cut up into small squares, but anything colorful will work. Drop the pieces of colored materials into the water. Now just fasten the lid onto the bottle.
Now you have a simple shaker with colors that will attract your child’s attention. It’s quick and easy to make – only taking about 5 minutes – but it is really effective.
What does your baby like to play with?
What a neat idea. Love reusing something that would otherwise be thrown away!
What a great idea.
Think I’ll take one of these with me to restaurants, etc. for when parents think it’s okay to let their kids scream!! ha/ha Great idea Alexandria!!
Now why didn’t I think of that? Neat!
Cute and very doable AND creative!
Good combo!
Great idea!! Love recycling and finding new purposes for things.
What a great way to save money!
Very cute idea and love anything that can be made using existing items