Sunday’s church service put a lot on my heart and in my mind. Whispers from the Lord that He’s been showing me throughout the week.
Imagine with me this scene….Your darkest shame is highlighted by the crowd you most fear. Now they are shouting and calling for others to heap stones of shame upon you. But instead of sharp blows of hatred, a gentle voice lifts your spirits.
As you sit in the dirt of the ground, brought low by hate He joins you. Beside you on the ground. “Where are your accusers?” Jesus asks.
They were gone. The very people who came with hate, stones in hand, ready to harm had turned away at a single word from the Lord. A reminder not to judge just because someone sins differently than you do. A query from the one man who ever lived who had the right to condemn. Click to Tweet
And instead he says with love, “Neither do I condemn thee. Go your way and leave your shame.”
Did you catch that part? The one perfect man who had the right to condemn, chose not to. Why then, does his bride condemn so readily and in His name?
The pastor at church said something that struck me, “The Church has to ask itself, why do we repel the very people that Jesus attracted by the droves.”
If we are His image on earth, if we are following in His steps, those whom we are most ready to condemn and avoid are the ones we should reach out to.
One thing Christians are great at are hurling stones of judgement. And some of us have them in our pockets at the ready.
What a burden to carry! No wonder we are so tired and don’t have time to help those in need.
If we are the body
Why aren’t His arms reaching?
Why aren’t His hands healing?
Why aren’t His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren’t His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
Casting Crowns – If We Are The Body
Will you lay down your stones of condemnation and reach out a hand of love and comfort instead?
It’s not easy sometimes, but that’s what I’m trying to do.
Amen, Angela! What a good reminder. It’s too easy to get caught in the familiar patterns of judgement and pride.
SO easy. I think it’s because we notice the things in others that are so different from what we struggle with personally and “just don’t understand how they can do THAT.” never minding the things that WE struggle with.
Ang – you’re beautiful, and I <3 you. I agree with you a thousand percent, and it makes me so sad when I see those stones flying around, no matter who's throwing them, or who they're aimed at.
Thanks for writing this.
I’ve been seeing a lot of stones hurled lately. This was a really timely reminder for me to try to empty my pockets.
This is perfect and something I needed to read. Thank you, my friend. Thank you.
Too true. I thought of a different Casting Crowns song, though. “Jesus, Friend of Sinners”.
Thank you for writing this Ang. You are such a beautiful person.
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
I do so love this post, Ang. Our homily at Mass this last week was about not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. Not just being Christians when you’re sitting in church, but acting with kindness and compassion (and forgiveness) and being non-judgmental and non-condemning in your “real” life … as in every day. The message is that you are not what you SAY, you are what you DO. And this? Pretty much what you’re saying here, too. Love it.
Precisely. Notice in the entire crowd one person was down in the dirt with the woman…Jesus. Why are we not doing the same?
Beautiful message. We can do this, one sharp, broken stone at a time. They can be tumbled & polished to become smooth and lovely to frame our gardens.
Beautifully written and very well said!
I wish more people would get this. All too often people in the church see the world as Christians and sinners, forgetting that we are ALL sinners, and that sin is sin in God’s eyes. This kind of attitude keeps people away from church and away from God. It’s sad, really. And I love how you highlighted that the one perfect man that had the right to condemn, chose not to. We could all learn something from that. 🙂