You guys know I’ve been working with Office Depot this back-to-school season to introduce the Scotch Expressions designer tape series and remind you how amazing the Office Depot Loyalty Rewards program is. I got a gift card to go shopping and wanted to share some of my finds.
Everything piled on that table was under $100. I did spend slightly more than $100 if you include the industrial manual pencil sharpener I bought because my kids keep dropping and breaking all the electronic ones I’ve ever purchased. Our house had become the place where pencil sharpeners go to die. Well, now it’s bolted to the wall so no more dropping. Woot!
I love the variety of school supplies I was able to pick up at Office Depot including primary composition notebooks which provide a great intermediate level writing size between what the kids used in Kindergarten and what they will use in upper elementary. These notebooks are HARD to find (Wal-Mart didn’t have them in our area) so I snagged extras.
Of course when you get designer pencils for your kids you need to have enough options to choose from so that each child can get a pack AND each child can have their own color. Thankfully, Office Depot’s selection was great and everyone got a color of pretty pencils in addition to the bulk pack I bought for savings. The Office Depot brand bulk supplies were very reasonably priced.
At the risk of confirming my status as a total geek, I have to say that the pièce de résistance of my shopping spree was this Ultimate Crayola crayon pack I bought. Note that while the video says there are a million bajillion crayons that is a slight exaggeration – the true number is just over 150.
But seriously you guys….a hard plastic crayon holder (let’s face it – cardboard boxes last less time in my house than the pencil sharpeners do), a built-in-sharpener for crayons (we’ve already determined the necessity for sharpeners in my house), and crayons available at every angle. Multiple children + one crayon box = fights. Sure fights. This way, we still get the joy of a giant pack of crayons with ZERO SQUABBLES.
Clearly a mom with kids invented this best crayon box ever.
Office Depot sponsored this post and provided a gift card for my shopping spree however the sharpener-killing, crayon-squabbling children and all opinions are 100% mine.