Sleepless nights and middle-of-the night feeds take a toll on any new mom’s state of mind and health. Then, there may be times when baby wakes up wanting to play… or she may have an earache or tummy ache… or maybe she’s just not sleepy. No matter what the reason, the newborn period is often made up of many nights when you just can’t get enough sleep. However, it is possible to cope with lack of sleep while staying happy and relaxed.
Here are some ways to cope with the sleepless nights and sleep better during the initial months.
You’ll Sleep Better When Baby Sleeps
One of the ideal ways to catch up on sleep is to sleep when baby does. Even if you’re not sleepy, just lie down and rest. Even though you may not sleep deeply or for long, the brief rest will do you a lot of good. It will allow you to recharge a bit and not feel as exhausted and tired as you would have had you not rested.
Also, make bedtimes for baby as relaxing and peaceful as possible. Use room-darkening shades, white noise or soothing lullabies as well as co-sleeping can help both a new mom and baby sleep better. Massaging baby before bedtime can also help her to sleep better.
Manage Sleepless Nights with Chore-Free Days
This early period post-baby is a good time to learn how to take things easy. Relax and play with your bundle of joy. Have fun. Don’t tire yourself out unnecessarily by trying to get the house to look perfect or by wanting to finish everything listed on your to-do list. Sleep when you can and do only what is essential. Leave the rest and keep days as chore-free as possible.
Cope with Sleepless Nights by Getting Help
If a new mom can afford it, she should get someone in to do the cooking and other household chores or if needed, someone to baby sit older babies. Another good idea is to request a family member or a close friend to pitch in for sometime. They can babysit while you take a short nap or run some errands for you while you rest with baby. Do keep in mind though that you need to ask for help and not expect people to mind-read you for it!
Sleep Better after a Pampering Session
New moms must take some time out to get pampered. A weekly massage at home or a manicure session or even, a DIY facial are all simple and easy ways of feeling pampered, relaxing the mind and eventually, sleeping better. Here are some simple, feel-good gift ideas for new moms that husbands and family members can use to make a new mother feel nice and pampered.
An added advantage is that when you’ll look good, you’ll feel better too. Getting a feel-good treatment even once a month will be enough to keep your sprits up, so make sure you make time for it.
Cope with Lack of Sleep by Eating Healthy
The sleepless nights are bound to take a toll on a new mom’s immunity. So, it is important that you eat healthy food and take care of yourself. Take baby out in the pram for regular walks, eat plenty of fruits, grains and salads and drink enough water. When you’re in good health, you’re better able to cope with the lack of sleep and tiredness.
Sleep or the lack of it would be something that will be a major part of the initial months of your baby’s life. Like with most things in life, remember that this, too, shall pass and then there will be nights when baby will sleep peacefully and days when naptimes will go beyond 10 minutes. So, until then, use these simple tips to cope with sleepless nights and tired days and turn them into times of relaxation and enjoyment. Here are some great mom and baby bonding activities to help you spend a fun day with your little one.
Photo Credit: Eden, Janine and Jim