The holiday season seemed to fly by this past year, and shortly after New Year’s I discovered that I hadn’t done something that normally is second nature to me: I hadn’t planned a menu for over two months! Christmas preparations interrupted my meal preparations, and it was painfully obvious in our grocery bill. The price […]
An (Un)Helpful Guide to Coupons: Cash Back Sites
Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s time to start thinking about Christmas Gifts (if you haven’t already finished your shopping) and you know what’s better than finding a great deal on a gift? Getting cash back on top of that! I started using these sites a few months ago and I LOVE them! Here is a breakdown […]
An (Un)Helpful Guide to Coupons: Organizing your Coupons
You are excited just from the title aren’t you?! I am proud to admit that I have a teensy bit of an obsession with organizing, the problem is, I often have trouble deciding on a final method or system for whatever it is that I […]
An (Un)Helpful Guide to Couponing: Stockpile
Building a Stockpile I admit I hated this idea at first. There are six people living in my house (myself, my husband and our four young children), so the last thing I wanted was more clutter, and unsightly clutter at that. But balance comes into play here. A stockpile of grocery items (I include […]
An (Un)Helpful Guide to Coupons: Outsourcing
In my last article, we had some good laughs over my new obsession with coupons, but now it’s time to get down to business. In just 3 months, I have cut my grocery budget in half, and I know you can too! Stay open-minded – you might have to try a different brand or alter […]
An (Un)Helpful Guide to Coupons
It is 1:43 a.m. I am seated on the floor of my office, laptop on a stool, and I have surrounded myself with printable coupons, newspaper coupons, I am scouring my email, Gmail, RSS feeds and bookmarked sites for coupons and advertised deals. Ooohh, and non-advertised deals. Oh man … my eyes are blurry, my […]
Brad’s Deals: One Stop Bargain Hunting
My first impression of a site like is that it’s scammy, inaccurate and/or too good to be true. That might be the cynic in me, since after all, haven’t we all come across erroneous coupons and discount codes in Google searches as we scour the web for deals? Right away, though, I noticed one prominent […]
Five More Ways to Get Coupons for Free
Coupons can be found for free in a number of ways and places. Find what methods work for you and those with which you feel the most comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up to more avid couponing! Here are five more ways you can get coupons for free. Check Peelies on […]
Five Ways to Get Coupons for Free
Forget buying twenty Sunday papers! There are plenty of ways to get coupons for free, and all it involves is a little of your time and creativity. Get Coupons from the Sunday Paper I know I just said you don’t need to buy twenty copies for yourself, and that’s true, although there are deals to […]
Tips for Saving Money on Groceries Using Coupons
One way to cut your grocery budget is to use coupons. By my own estimation, I save hundreds of dollars a year by shopping with coupons. Here are some tips on saving money by wisely using coupons to your advantage. Use Coupons Only for Food You Will Eat Plenty of coupons out there are for […]
Using Your Frugality to Bless Others
Recently, after finishing up an article on the advantages of freezer cooking, I got to thinking that I forgot to mention one of the most important advantages: blessing others with your freezer meals. In fact, we can use all our frugal methods to help others when we see a need in our family or community. […]