This shouldn’t be necessary to talk about, but it is. Many may argue that water alone does all the things the other ingredients do. While it may help, if you have ever just hydrated alongside a junk-food diet, you will see that it doesn’t work that way. Water helps the body flush stuff out, but […]
10 Reasons to Use Ginger
Ginger hails us from India and Ayurveda medicine. Its benefits are numerous, and its ability to improve digestion and reduce vertigo and queasiness are undisputed. Ginger has been in the United States and major outlying islands since European settlers brought it to their plantations a couple hundred years ago. Benefits of Ginger 1. Fires up […]
Culinary Herbs as Home Remedies: Coriander (Cilantro)
The herb that is called cilantro in the US is called coriander in many other parts of the world. Coriander has been cultivated as a spice and as a medicinal herb for thousands of years and it is mentioned in ancient scripts from India and from Egypt. In the Middle Ages in Europe it was […]