Don’t you wish you had affordable short-cuts to make healthy living easier? Are you tired of trying to make a Whole Foods lifestyle work on a box store budget? I get it — I’ve heard the “As his doctor, I’m worried about how quickly your son is gaining weight” and the unexpected “You’re husband has […]
Preparedness and Food Storage Ebook Resources!
The August eBook bundle theme is Food Storage and Preparedness! Have you ever wondered how you’d feed your family if the retail grocery store system failed? Do rising prices and declining food quality make you want to take matters into your own hands? Getting Started on a Food Supply Plan: Sourcing, Preserving, and Storing Food […]
Real Food eBook Bundle One Week ONLY!
If you’re like me it can be frustrating trying to find REAL FOOD resources for your kitchen attempts. Either the recipes are loaded with unhealthy sweeteners and you have to try to make the swaps yourself, or the “healthy” recipes are just…not pleasant. Or written so old-fashioned you aren’t sure how to translate that to […]