In any type of an emergency, preparation is the key to remaining calm and keeping one’s wits about them. In order to keep children in that same frame of mind during an emergency, it is essential to prepare them, as well. One of the easiest things to prepare for is a short term power outage. […]
How to Plant Your Survival Garden
In case of a survival situation, where you could no longer rely on a trip to the grocery store for food, it’s a good idea to prepare for a survival garden. If you and your family were facing a scenario where you had to grow food to maintain a well-rounded diet, your ability to plant, tend and harvest from a survival garden preparation would be a key factor.
Get Prepared: Protect Your Photographs
I’m worried about something. (Pause to praise God this is all I have to worry about.) I’m worried that the next generation won’t have any photographs. I saw that . . . the incredulous look on your face. I know what you are thinking – we are inundated with photographs. That’s all we do. That’s […]
Getting Prepared Challenge and Giveaway!
September is the National Preparedness Month which makes Getting Prepared the perfect challenge for the month. You know all those things you SHOULD have done already but maybe don’t? What is the state of your first aid kit? Do you have one in each vehicle AND in your home and (if you have livestock) in […]
Get Prepared – Unexpected Explosions
Such tragedy in the news this week. Bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Accidental explosions at a fertilizer plant in Texas. And you can probably think of others in recent history. These types of emergencies can hardly be anticipated in the same way as a bad storm or natural disaster. But can […]
Get Prepared: Be Physically Fit
What if, for some hypothetical reason – natural disaster, national disaster, local unrest – you find yourself without access to emergency medical care? Consider what the most likely emergency situations would be for your family. Does a family member have diabetes? High blood pressure? Weak joints? Severe depression? Gastric disorders? Pregnancy? What if someone breaks […]
Get Prepared: Taking a Food Shortage One Month at a Time
The last two years have shown us major, nationwide droughts. That translates into rising food costs and the possibility of food shortages. Temporary layoffs and disabilities could also make it necessary to live out of your own pantry. And as always, there is the possibility of a major power outage lasting two or three weeks, […]
Get Prepared: Feminine Hygiene in Disaster Scenarios
In 2007, the Tulsa, OK, area was hit with a major, surprise ice storm. Many people were without power for a week. In July, 2012, severe storms knocked out the power of 2 million people along the East Coast. Electricity was unavailable for more than a week for thousands. In August, 2012, 60 million people […]
Get Prepared: Major First Aid During a Long Term Power Outage
Pretend with me . . . There has just been major tornado, ice storm or earthquake near your home. The electrical power will be out for two weeks. During that two week period of time, you have run out of gasoline, the local gas station is also without power and you cannot leave your home. […]
Get Prepared – Shoes and Clothing for Emergencies
In our “Get Prepared” Series, we’ve been learning to plan ahead for a 2-4 week power outage. We’ve talked about laundry and water . . . but what clothes would make the duration more comfortable? Plan to store some clothes for each member of the family, and keep the sizes updated. And Go Large. It […]
Get Prepared: Washing Laundry Outside
If the power is out for very long, a few days, it becomes necessary to do some basic laundry. Maybe not the sheets and linens – they can hang out and ‘air wash.’ But the undies. A few pairs of jeans. Some t-shirts or sweatshirts. There is no doubt that we can wear our clothes […]
Get Prepared: Keep the Kitchen Convenient
At the Survival Spot, they have a list of the Top 100 Items to Disappear First During a National Disaster. High on their list is something I have failed to give much attention to, but I’m glad they have reminded me. If we are forced to live without electricity for several days or weeks, what […]