Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind, body, and soul.
Hands-On Ways to Learn About Soil
Here are 12 ways to get your hands dirty and learn about soil alongside your kids.
Make Peppermint Ice Cream as a Family
Do you have candy canes left over from the holiday festivities? Santa always decorates our Christmas tree with a dozen candy canes, and the kids enjoying trying to find them all on Christmas morning. This peppermint ice cream recipe is a unique way to use up candy canes and spread the peppermint goodness. Even though […]
Simply Healthy and Delicious Chocolate Brownies
Chocolate brownies work great for snacks and desserts. These brownies can be cut up into smaller bite-sized pieces for a delicious snack or kept in the larger size and served with cream or ice-cream for a dessert. This is also a great option for the whole family to join in with. Let the kids mix […]
Family Outings With the Kids Without Spending a Fortune
You don’t have to spend a fortune to spend time with the family. Weekend plans and summer plans can be very fun with little or no money spent. It takes a little creativity and imagination for a family outing that is a blast for everyone and safe on the pocket. Tour Your Town Many people […]