In today’s economy, it can be very difficult to make ends meet financially. If you feel like you could fall off a cliff with your family’s finances at any point, there are some steps that you can take to improve your situation. Here are a few backup resources to consider when you want to avoid […]
I’m Home! – Fostering Family Bonds and a Sense of Home
“Mommy, I’m home!” two-year-old Ethan hollered. He had just been to Sunday School and was returning to the class room where is own mother was the teacher. Considering where Ethan had just been, where he was and where he was going, perhaps those words are more profound than we realize. Home is Where the Family […]
Stain Fighting Science Experiment with Wisk Stain Spectrum™
As part of the Wisk with new Stain Spectrum™ Technology campaign, I got to participate in this cool science experiment with my kids. You can see in this video how we showed Wisk with Stain Spectrum™ laundry detergent fighting protein based grass stains. [youtube][/youtube] First we wrote Evan’s initial in Wisk with Stain Spectrum™ Technology laundry detergent on the […]