Recently, a symposium at Notre Dame University led by Dr. Darcia Narvaez showed how important it is for mothers to breastfeed, touch, and respond quickly to baby’s needs. Gilan Gertz, a licensed social worker with a Master’s Degree in Pyschology, shared the results of this study in an article on Decoded Parenting and also took […]
Baby Registry Etiquette & How To: Getting Registered for a Baby Shower or New Arrival
Sometimes pregnant mothers can be confused about how to register for baby gifts before a shower without seeming tacky or rude. Here are some tips to help. Is a Baby Shower Gift Registry Tacky, Rude or Inappropriate? No! Most people appreciate being able to quickly and easily find a baby shower gift that will be […]
MAM Oral Care – The Perfect Stocking Stuffer
Vivian finally has teeth. About the time she started walking in earnest, she finally cut those first teeth. In our family we have a tradition of putting a toothbrush in everyone’s Christmas stockings (they also get one in their Easter baskets) and it’s a great way to counter act all those holiday sweets and remember […]
The Christening Gown – Three Generations
Dreft asked us to share about that special baby outfit or kids clothing that warms your heart or you just love. Do you ever have that certain special outfit? That item of amazing adorableness or special significance? I tried not to get too attached to most of the baby clothes I had – especially with […]
Natural Teething Tablets for Babies from Orajel
It’s been on my mind the last couple weeks as Vivian has become more and more drooly, and more and more chew-in-everything-she-can-grab. What will I do when she begins teething without my old familiar teething tablets that were no longer available in our area. So I was really excited to be able to test and […]
Learning Thankfulness in the NICU
Nurse: “Ok, let’s get you hooked to this IV and get the antibiotics started.” Me: “Excuse me? IV? Antibiotics? I am having a natural birth and my birth plan states I do not wish to be on an IV. I don’t mind you puting in the heplock for just-in-case, but no IV unless needed.” Nurse: […]