I love the premise of the Wonder Workshop products – Kids can do amazing things when they are given permission to explore, ask themselves questions, and figure out the answers for themselves.
When a Breastfeeding Mom Isn’t
The is something that I think every mother needs to hear. “Moms face tremendous pressure to make the “perfect” parenting decisions, only to be judged or criticized by other moms. From going back to work and feeding your baby to education, discipline and bed times, everyone has an opinion. I pledge to create a more supportive and less judgmental environment by empowering moms to […]
Laying Down My Stones With the Lord
Sunday’s church service put a lot on my heart and in my mind. Whispers from the Lord that He’s been showing me throughout the week. Imagine with me this scene….Your darkest shame is highlighted by the crowd you most fear. Now they are shouting and calling for others to heap stones of shame upon you. But […]
Dance Like No One’s Judging
From my journal – minimal editing. My kids have been dancing lately, whenever some upbeat music comes on. It started at Chuck E Cheese’s when there was a blue scren and video system that would project the kids’s image onto the background. They were delighting in seeing themselves moving in response to the music and […]