No garden is complete without an herb garden. Whether you use them for cooking, preserving, or home remedies, here is a list of must-have herbs from our Untrained Housewife community.
Chocolate Mint Simple Syrup
This summer, I planted some chocolate mint in my garden. I love the smell of fresh mint, and chocolate mint is one of my favorite flavored mint varieties. If you’re not aware, mint grows quickly and loves to spread. I placed my mint in containers to help keep it from taking over my garden. Still, […]
How to Can Mint Cinnamon Plum Preserves
Plum preserves are good enough on their own, but with cinnamon? Oh, man! And we wanted a little something special for the next batch of plum preserves so I added mint leaves to the plums during the cooking process. I really liked this recipe because it added the great minty flavor in with the sweet […]
Homemade Mint Limemade Summer Drink
Is there anything more refreshing than a cool summer limeade or lemonade? And this version uses fresh mint, which you can easily grow straight out of your garden! “This mix is super easy to throw together and can literally be made in 5 minutes. It’s the perfect addition for any barbecue or summer dinner.” See […]
Homemade Mint Jelly for Garden Fresh Produce
Mint is one of those unstoppable herbs in the garden. It will bounce back from heavy pruning, too much rain, or not enough water. It will also spread and fill whatever container (or garden area) that it is planted in, giving you plenty of fresh herbs to use in the kitchen. One recipe you must […]
Mint: A Delicious, Refreshing Herb That’s Easy to Grow
You may know it as the toothpaste herb, but mint is a lot more than a flavor for your mouthwash, lozenge, or toothpaste. Its fresh smell and taste add a lovely flavor to salads, smoothies, meat, and tea. Mint is very easy to grow. In fact, it grows so well that you may soon […]