Weather happens all year ’round. (I know, I have such a grasp for the obvious!) But with our society’s increased dependence on electronics for communication and entertainment, and even work, it is important that we take a few minutes to plan ahead for how ad weather impacts our electronic world. In all bad weather conditions, the […]
What Atlanta Teaches Us About Weather Safety
No matter where you live or what your circumstance is, you have a need to be prepared for emergencies. Never assume it can’t happen to you, or that it won’t happen here. Citizens in the Southern United States are learning the hard way: it is wise to expect the unexpected and be prepared! Here are […]
Get Prepared – What Do You Need First?
The most important part of preparing for the future might be to study the past. Survival Spot has put together a list of the Top 100 Items to Disappear First During a National Emergency. I’d like to write a series of posts that discuss these items in a bit more detail, and as they relate […]