It’s 6 o’clock at night and you can’t remember if you ate anything. Sound familiar?
10 Ways to Prevent Homestead Mama Burn-Out
With homesteading, there is always so much to do. Depending on the time of the year, there are endless harvests to preserve, gardening or weeding to be done. There are no mornings to sleep in, as the animals need tending to. It can quickly get exhausting during the busy season. Throw in the kids getting a […]
5 Activities to Revitalize Your Life
The hectic lifestyle leaves people feeling drained emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It is important to revitalizing our joy in life before burn out occurs, these five life-changing activities can bring joy and peace to your life.
Broken by Default
May I just say – using the term “fix up” for applying makeup or styling hair is a term I passionately loathe. Despise even. Why?
Homemade Lip Balm
Personal care products are one of those things that can be intimidating to make at home. Sure, I can whip up a loaf of bread or some spaghetti sauce in no time and without much thought, but what about shampoo? Homemade lotion or deodorant? Or lip balm? On the surface, a lot of these items seem […]
DIY Aromatic Body Scrub
Aromatic Body Scrub Mixture 1/4 cup sea salt 1/4 cup medium-ground cornmeal 1/3 cup olive oil 10 drops essential oils Mix sea salt and cornmeal together in a glass bowl. Gently heat olive oil and essential oils until just warm. Stir the warm oil into the dry ingredients and mix well. The mixture should […]