I hesitate to call this the miracle tea or magic tea or make any other health claims. Although I have several medical certifications, I am not a doctor and have to say that this tea is not intended to cure, treat, or prevent any disease because the FDA demands I say this. It is not an FDA approved drug, it is simply a body cleansing food-based beverage that has helped me tremendously.
Before the recipe, here are my results after drinking this tea nearly daily for six months. I began drinking this tea and various versions of it back in April of 2013. At first, I became queasy and went to the bathroom a lot. I must have lost five pounds of water-weight over the first week and could already feel my clothes getting lose. My acne-prone skin cleared up, as did my constant acid reflux and heartburn. By week two, my skin finally had a noticeable rosy glow and I was already down two pants sizes. I went from a size 28 to a size 26. At this time, I went on a green juice fast for two weeks and quickly lost another two dress sizes. (We do not have a bathroom scale, so I was only able to weight myself at my brother-in-laws on the weekends. But, after the first three months, I had lost 30 pounds!)
I then resumed regular eating but included more salads and cut out prepackaged everything for the entire family, except on weekends (When the kids cook meals). It has now been seven months and I have only gone two weeks of that time without my daily turmeric tea, and only because we ran out of ingredients and I forgot to pick more up. I have lost a steady pound per week and have gone from a size 24 to a size 16/18 (which is now getting baggy), even when I haven’t worked out for a month!
Other benefits I noticed:
- Acne-free skin
- Allergy-free skin
- A reduction in allergies to almost ZERO (I seemed to be allergic to near everything)
- Joint pain and arthritis symptoms are GONE (I have several injuries to my spine, hip, and shoulder joints due to car and roller-blading accidents)
- Water retention and ankle swelling gone
- Varicose veins seem to be disappearing (read GONE!)
- Marked increased energy (I am now able to exercise daily and still have enough energy to work full time)
- A clean house (okay the tea didn’t do this, but having more energy helped me a lot.)
- Better muscle tone
- Reduced cellulite
- Daily migraine headaches are gone
- Almost constant liver and gallbladder pain is gone
- Gout is gone (strange for vegetarians to have, I know)
- New hair growth is healthier
- Oily hair and skin is nearly gone
- Food cravings are gone
- Need for caffeine is gone
- Appetite is suppressed back to normal levels
- Moods improved, no more morning crankiness or end-of-day grogginess or short tempers
- Thought process is clearer
- And a lot more that I don’t have room to list!
Tummy Turmeric Tea Recipe
32 ounces boiling water
1 teaspoon ground turmeric (or 2 teaspoons fresh grated) (Found at most ethnic stores)
1 teaspoon fresh ground ginger (or 1/2 teaspoon dried ground)
1/2 raw lemon (or lime)
1 to 2 dashes cayenne pepper
2 pinches raw sea salt (or kelp powder or trace minerals supplement)
Raw sweetener to taste (wean yourself off the sweetener over time)
1. Add all ingredients except the lemon to a glass (and only glass) 32-ounce cup (I use a beer stein from the dollar store). Squeeze the lemon half into the glass, then drop in the entire half, rind and all.
2. Stir well and allow to set and steep for at least five minutes. I actually allow mine to cool to room temperature.
3. If you decide to drink it at room temperature or add ice to drink it as iced tea, feel free to use a straw and stir it before sipping. Or, simply use a butter knife to stir before sipping. (I learned the hard way and melted a few straws in the hot tea.
4. If you are like my husband and find the slight powdery feel of the turmeric to be unpalatable, feel free to make it in a clean (not used for coffee) coffee maker with a coffee filter, or strain using a piece of cheesecloth or tied-up coffee filter.
I just brewed up a batch to try and it’s better than the first turmeric tea recipe I tried, I think I can drink this with just a dash of honey for now.
Just one question, do you drink the whole 32 oz per day?
Usually I drink this in an entire day and count it towards my daily hydration requirement. Somedays life gets crazy and it takes me two days.