If you are like many women, we search for quick & easy ways to exercise while we are busy doing other things! Here are a few simple arm exercises that can be done anytime. It just takes a few supplies that you have available in your kitchen!
Kitchen Supplies as Weights
Grab a couple of 28 ounce spaghetti cans & let’s get started. That is almost a 2lb weight. If you find it is too much to start, then grab a couple of 15 ounce cans.
First, we will start with a basic spaghetti curl. Do a series of 10 repetitions. As you get stronger, of course, you will increase the weight & repetitions. You can do one arm at a time while you are making supper, watching the news on tv, or writing your to do list!
Next, we will do a reverse curl. Place your arm down by your side & lift to the rear. Do this with the spaghetti can to have more resistance. I must not use these muscles very often because out of all of these this one I can feel!
Working Out Throughout Your House
Next we will move on to what I call a wall up. Go stand about 1 foot from a clear wall & lean into it. You will be doing a push up against the wall. Do a series of 10 repetitions for this also. As you get stronger, you can step away from the wall slightly & get more of a lean to make them a little more challenging & increase your repetitions!
Now I want you to stand with your arms straight out from your body like a “T”. Do you remember doing airplanes in school? That is your next simple one! Try & do at least 20 repetitions of these as they are not too hard to do & work up from there. Gradually make the circle bigger & bigger.
The next one is a windmill. Stand with you arms up over your head. Swing each arm in a great big circle, coming down by your hips & back up in the air. This will keep your shoulder loosened & work your upper arm.
Exercise With Baby
There are some that a new mom has an advantage for! She has the weight of her new baby! She can lift baby over her head, lay on the floor & lift the baby straight up, or as the baby gets older they generally want to jump up & down, so help them!
All of these simple arm exercises can be done anywhere & anytime. It just takes a few minutes & you, too, can work your arm muscles!