I’m kindof a bit of a procastinator, so my calendars don’t always get changed for the right month. Sometimes, they aren’t even put up in time to matter for the year. Woops. But my family has a tradition of giving calendars, and I hate that these calendars with such lovely pics get used up and thrown out.
Last year A few years ago, I was given a couple of different beach-themed calendars, one from the beach of my childhood. We had just moved into a new house, so nothing was really making it to the walls yet. Come to think of it, nothing really has made it to the walls still. Anyway, the kitchen had needed to be painted, and the cabinets here don’t have a backing to them – they just back up to the wall. I really have no interest in painting the inside back wall of cabinets. Does anyone? And I had these calendars here….inspiration struck.
We left those sections inside unpainted, and I left the calendars in the drawer with the intent to put the photo pages inside rather than messing with paint.
That was a year ago, and I’m finally ready to do it! (OK, so I’m a pretty big procrastinator!)
Repurposing Calendars for Kitchen Decor
What You Need:
A way to secure – push pins, double stick tape, or if you are brave, mod podge or plaster.
A bit of time
What You’re Doing:
Take your calendars apart. I am only using the photo sides, but if you mark your calendar up and have special dates you’d like to remember, the days side could be cute, as well!
Once you have your pictures out, you can start securing them in. You could cut them down to size or just layer them to get the effect that you’d like. I am securing to the wall, so I’m just using flat push pins to secure them. It may be more of a challenge if your cabinets actually have a back on them. The push pin may not cooperate. You could also mod podge, like the mod podge papered wall.
It takes a little bit of time to pull everything out and put it back, but once it’s done, you have such a happy view when you open your cabinets! I’m voting “worth it.” One section down…maybe I’ll have the rest finished by this time next year.
Do you save calendars or toss them at the new year?
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I used sports calendars around the top of Evan’s baby room in our old house to decorate the nursery as a replacement for a wall-paper border. It was totally cute.
Fun! I did something similar with coloring pages in Nate’s room. Yay for cheap, DIY home decor!
Never thought of this before. Love re purposing!
I like this idea, what a neat way to re-purpose and reduce waste, I can see this in the bathroom cabinets too! It would be great to add a food calendar to the interior of the cabinets! This is nice!!! Thanks for sharing!
I really want to try this one
What a neat idea. I will have to try this in our kitchen.
haha, I always forget to flip my calendar page. It’s a good idea to recycle old one.