Cleaning the bathroom is not just a laborious task, but it can also be frustrating. Trying to remove those stubborn stains can seem impossible, and the gleam in your bathroom suite is long gone. Some simple tried and tested home remedies, however, can be really effective at speeding up the process of cleaning your bathroom. Forget sprays that claim to cut through the toughest of stains and grease; home remedies can save you time whilst being incredibly effective!
Shower Enclosures
If not maintained regularly, shower enclosures can become very grimy and slippery – which is dangerous. Some simple home remedies should help to keep your shower functioning smoothly and your bathroom looking beautiful.
Citrus-based cleaners are particularly effective for removing stubborn stains and grime. To bring the sparkle back into your shower doors, soak a piece of newspaper in lemon juice and wipe over the inside and outside of your shower cubicle. This simple yet effective way of cleaning the shower enclosure is far more eco-friendly than using harsh chemicals, and it can obtain outstanding results!
Clogged plugholes can be unpleasant when showering. If you look down and see murky water approaching your ankles, your feet certainly don’t feel clean! Aside from the fact it’s an unpleasant experience, it’s also unhygienic as old dirt and grime swills over your feet. To unclog the plughole (this can be used for sinks too) simply pour one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar down the blocked plughole. This combination can help to diffuse any hidden blockages.
Water deposits can collect around the base of taps, creating a dulling effect on your taps. In order to have a pristine bathroom, you need to bring the glisten back into those taps! You can revive the sparkle by soaking a paper towel in white wine vinegar and draping over or around your tap where it’s stained. Leave to soak for around an hour and scrub with a nailbrush, then you should have dazzling taps!
Before cleaning your tiles, run your bath or shower hot tap until the room’s filled with steam. This will make removing any stubborn stains a lot easier as the heat will loosen the stains. This isn’t advisable, however, if you suffer from mildew problems, as condensation is the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew.
Grout can be rather troublesome and unsightly as mildew can ruin the appearance of the bathroom, and once it’s developed it seems impossible to get rid of. A simple chlorine and water solution should effectively remove the mildew. Use an old toothbrush to scrub the grout as it should help you to get a deep clean.
Simple home remedies can really help to take the elbow grease out of bathroom cleaning. Not only are they cheaper than buying specific bathroom cleaners, but you’ll probably already have the ingredients in your cupboards, so there’s no excuse why you can’t start now!
Great tips! I’m always looking for ways to get my cleaning done more quickly. Thanks for sharing!
I agree, these are great and simple tips! Will put them to practice.