Let me just get this out here: I HATE WOOD FLOORS!
Yes, I know, that is not a popular statement. Everyone loves wood floors because they are so much easier to clean. Well, I have various furry pets that all shed. So, that “easy to clean” floor has me sweeping 3 times a day. Then, we get to the toddler, who is in that adorable fling-my-food phase.
Sure, my wood floors don’t stain, but they do get sticky. I am not a huge fan of mopping, though, because it effectively closes off an entire room for an hour, and I need all of my rooms.
My solution? Pine Sol mopping spray! I do love Pine Sol, but I can’t always haul out the mop and bucket. Instead, I have found that a spray bottle with a Pine Sol/water mixture is a life saver. I grabbed a few inexpensive spray bottles at the store a while ago, at about $2.00 a bottle. For every 1 cup of warm water, I add 1-2 tbsp Pine Sol. Spray, wipe, move on! This works great for small areas that just need a quick wipe. I have actually mopped my whole kitchen and dining area using the larger spray bottle because I can start and stop without a bucket, and it dries quickly.
What is your quick cleaning tip?