I love cute little crafts that take no time to make and this Chicken Surprise is one of those. They take about 10 minutes to make – a little longer for the glue to dry – and are perfect for Easter time.
What you need:
- Paper – preferably yellow but I only had pink
- A small yellow pom-pom
- Glue
- A peg
- A black marker pen
Step One: Create Your Egg
Draw an egg shape on your piece of paper so that it is a little bigger than your peg. Draw the zig-zag line across as if it is broken.
Cut the egg out and in half.
Step Two: Make Your Chicken
Take the small yellow pom-pom and use the black marker pen to draw a face on it.
Step Three: Glue the Pieces to Your Peg
First glue the pom-pom chicken to the bottom part of the egg. Make sure it is on the back so it is covered up by the top part of the egg.
Now glue the two parts of the egg onto the peg. The bottom part with the chicken needs to be on the bottom part of the peg and the top part on the top.
This can get tricky and messy as you try line up the egg pieces when the peg is closed. You may find it best to roll up a small piece of paper to place in between the peg and the top piece of egg to make it sit forward slightly.
And there you have it; your chicken surprise. You can make your chicken say hi whenever you pinch the peg open. It’s really simple and quick to do and you can make as many as you want to place around your home for Easter. Enjoy!
I love your idea! If only we could get the kids still long enough to do it. I think we never grow up in many ways because I seem to appreciate Kraft’s for the kids more than they do.