During the fall, apples are in abundance and are typically very affordable, being a seasonal fruit. There are a lot of useful benefits to seasonal fruits and vegetables, and there are a few ways of preserving them that will allow you to enjoy their fresh taste all winter and spring!
For me, the easiest thing to do with fruit and vegetables is to freeze them. Canning is a great option, but I find that freezing produce takes less time and is less messy (at least for me). One of my favorite and easiest recipes is unsweetened freezer applesauce. It’s a simple recipe that anyone can make and it involves simple supplies like a pot, a spoon, apples and some freezer-capable containers. There are a few optional supplies that we’ll talk about a bit later too!
Preparing Freezer Applesauce
Supplies you will need include:
- Apples
- Water
- Knife
- Large pot, preferably a dutch oven or stockpot
- Large wooden spoon
- Freezer containers (can be canning jars with used lids, tupperware containers, freezer bags, etc)
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Blender or Food Processor
- Food Mill
Cooking the Applesauce
From Apples to Applesauce
After your apples are cooked down, remove them from the heat and let cool a bit. A very simple prep involves just mashing the apples with a potato masher or simply mixing them with a spoon if you like chunky applesauce. Add sugar and cinnamon as desired.
If you have a food mill or food processor, puree your cooked apples to desired consistency. Add sugar and cinnamon as needed. We try not to add sugar to ours unless it is incredibly tart.
Freezing Applesauce
We love to freeze applesauce! Simply let your prepared applesauce cool to room temperature and store it in freezer bags or containers. We often use mason jars for storage as well. Leave a little space at the top to allow for expansion. Store in the freezer for up to 9 months (at least, that’s as long as ours have lasted!).
Unsweetened homemade applesauce is great to use as a substitution for butter or oil in recipes or just to eat.
Do you make your own applesauce? If so, what process do you use?
Great recipe! I’ve been wanting to make applesauce. Thanks for posting. 🙂
Thank you! I have been looking for a way to keep applesauce and wasn’t sure if I could freeze it. Honestly, I simply don’t have the room for lots of jars and this is great. One question: does it loose its consistency when frozen?
Thank you 🙂