Make your own massage oil to relieve aches and pains, for self-massage or to massage others. Homemade massage oils are great gifts, too. Choose a single base oil or a few carrier oils, and add up to 3-4 essential oils. Base Oils for Massage Oil Blends Grapeseed oil is odorless and light and […]
How to Look After Yourself When You Have Little Time
How do you look after your health when you have practically no time for yourself? It is too typical for women to put ourselves and our own health and well-being last. Always looking after everyone else, forgetting your own needs and neglecting your health is too easy when you’re busy at work or at home […]
Pregnancy Massage: Health Benefits for the Mind and the Body
Prenatal massage can relieve many problems associated with pregnancy: back pain, swelling in the legs, sleeping problems. Massage can also help you to relax, relieve worries or anxieties about pregnancy or childbirth, and balance fluctuating emotions. Some Benefits of Prenatal Massage Massage therapy relaxes muscles, relieves joint pain and improves circulation. As long as some […]