So many people offer couponing and double couponing as an easy method to save on groceries. This article isn’t one of them. My family hasn’t clipped a coupon in months. Yet, we tend to live on $20 to $60 per week on groceries for a family of three.
How I Choose Businesses to Work With on Untrained Housewife
My regular readers know that I sometimes post sponsored posts – that is, posts where I’ve partnered with a company or brand to bring you a post written around a specific topic. I wanted to talk about why I do that, and how I decide which companies to work with. I get approached to work […]
Creating Money Portfolios for Kids With Kidworth
Since we decided to begin giving Evan a weekly allowance for his extra jobs around the house, we wanted to have the ability to teach him money skills. The timing was perfect for us to become involved with Kidworth – an amazing online tool to teach kids about money. Here is the video of us […]
Money Saving Tip Using Separate Savings Accounts
Saving money can be such a complicated process. As a financial counselor (and person that has totally been there!), I see people everyday that try to put $200 in savings every month, but then pull from it throughout the month and eventually land in my office for an emergency loan. Saving money is more than […]
How to Invest for Your Child’s University Education
When I was about a year old, my parents invested some money in an education savings fund for me. It was a small sum, and they never added any more to it. When I started university, the fund returned to me the original amount that my parents had invested and then, every year for the […]
Four Tips for High Yield or Interest Checking Accounts
High yield or high interest checking accounts are checking accounts from online banks that offer interest payments if you follow some basic rules. Following the high interest checking account guidelines will earn a dividend on your balance, where traditional accounts might not earn you a penny. They are very beneficial, especially now when trying to […]
Money Matters: The Importance of Having a Dream
Are you overwhelmed by a financial situation that seems to be out of control? Are you finding it hard to know where to start in getting it under control?
Why is it important to have a financial dream that speaks to your heart? Finding a financial dream give you the opportunity to make a conscious decision to change what you value in life.
Money Management for Children
How do parents develop the right money management skills and values in children of all ages? Here are five simple ways to encourage kids to develop respect for money and learn to save and spend wisely.