As Christmas draws near, you, like many others, might find yourself a bit short of funds. While many people pull out their credit cards to pay for anything they buy around the holidays, Christmas loans might be a better choice. We know that Christmas comes each and every year at the same time – December […]
Budgeting for Frills on a Family Road Trip
All this talk of ice cream brings us to our third area – frills. If you have your plan for a budgeted family road trip in place and your food lined out, frills might attack your budget in the form of souvenirs or the new DVD purchase in a truck stop display that grabs your […]
Planning Ahead to Save Money on a Family Road Trip
Here are some ideas to help you save money during your travel on the highways and byways.
How to Control Spending and be a Better Consumer with Less Debt
There is a lot of pressure to have a certain lifestyle. But the truth is most people cannot afford the lifestyles they’ve bought. The ability to buy something doesn’t mean a thing unless you also have the ability to afford it. You’ll notice that those who can afford more might have less than those who cannot. That is where the key is.
Money Matters: The Importance of Having a Dream
Are you overwhelmed by a financial situation that seems to be out of control? Are you finding it hard to know where to start in getting it under control?
Why is it important to have a financial dream that speaks to your heart? Finding a financial dream give you the opportunity to make a conscious decision to change what you value in life.