The modern hectic lifestyle often leaves people feeling drained emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Too often, we are left feeling like we are stuck in jobs we do not enjoy or in circumstances beyond our control. It is important to take essential steps towards revitalizing our joy in life before burn out occurs, especially since repeated or prolonged periods of burn out can lead to depression. These five life-changing activities are the perfect balance for finding joy and peace with what life throws at us and also promote feeling more in control.
1. Read Inspirational Books
The best way to revitalize your life, spirit and soul is to get lost in a good book. Not fiction, though those might help. The really inspiring books to read at least once in your lifetime are by writers like Steven Covey, Michael S. Clouse, Dale Carnegie, and Og Mandino. Why stop with these? Try out books for particular purposes, like kama-sutra, finance, family life, or those which will take you on a spiritual journey. You need not spend a penny on books, either; many of these books can be found at public libraries or in free boxes at yard sales.
2. Get a Massage
If, like many, the thought of going nude for a full body massage makes you queasy, think about just getting a hand, foot, or scalp massage. Or find a massage chair to try out at the mall. If cost is holding you back, sessions at massage therapy schools are typically at a steep discount and you know you are helping a good cause.
3. Learn Mindfulness
Yoga and meditation are not for everyone simple because not everyone is at the right stage of life to learn the pathways of chakra alignment. If you are, that is great. If not, why not try to master mindfulness instead. What is mindfulness? Learn to live within the moment (versus for the moment), enjoy where you are presently. Mindfulness, at its very core, is simply learning to pay attention to and enjoy the details of the present moment. These include how you feel emotionally and physically, along with the sensations you are being exposed to presently, such as visual, tactile, audio, smell, taste, and internal feelings. This means stopping the desire to skip ahead while in a conversation, email, walk, falling asleep, and especially while eating a meal. Next time you are cooking a meal, taking a shower, or walking to your car, stop the chatter in your mind to take a passionate interest in the smells, tastes, sights, sounds, and feelings within. Learn to do this more often and make it a habit.
Mindfulness means:
- Stop judging or formulating answers and instead listen to the other person convey their message.
- Stop judging yourself or situations.
- Stop being consumed by the future, past, or personal thoughts.
- Appreciate the full six senses going in the present moment.
- Learn to remove anxiety about yourself or others.
- Be real about your responses and trusting yourself and others more.
- Allow things to just be; do not get caught up in expectations.
4. Giving Thanks
This has more to do with appreciating what is happening than thanking somebody for a gift or activity that impacts you. Giving thanks ties deeply into mindfulness and is gratitude and joy of the present moment. Learn to show gratitude for things as simple as a meal by slowing down and being mindful while performing any activity, especially while eating. Try this: instead of eating on the go, at your desk, or in front of the television, try turning all the outside interference off. Sit down and pause before your meal and give thanks. Next, enjoy the flavors of each dish. Then, think about how much you enjoy them or dislike them. Also, think about the work that went into the food you are about to eat. Now, can you transfer this kind of grateful thinking over to other parts of your life, such as a conversation with a friend or making love to your partner?
5. Be Forgiving
To many, the thought of being forgiving runs the same path as forgetting or allowing something to happen again. Remember that being forgiving is not about reconciliation, though it can be a step towards that. Being forgiving is an internally liberating state of mind where past wrongs and hurts are simply let go. Start this process by forgiving your own shortcomings each and every time you find yourself putting yourself down. Learn the habit of habitually forgiving yourself from making small mistakes, then bigger mistakes, and work on this habit until you find it easy to forgive others.
Try these affirmations:
- “I’m being grateful for what I can do.”
- “I understand how it hurts when others hold grudges against me, and I do not want to make them feel that way.”
- “I choose to be bigger on the inside and make room for forgiveness at all times.”
- “Being unforgiving hurts myself more than the other person.”
Additional Ways to Feel Rejuvenated
There are many more ways to revitalize and rejuvenate one’s life. Remember to get more exercise or change up the kind of exercise you do. Also, eating more healthy, such as raw vegetables and fruits in addition to less carbohydrates and unhealthy fats-can also help boost the spirit along with energy, mood, and outlook. By changing ones life in small ways, like routines, thoughts, eating patterns, and activity level, it becomes easy to find more joy, peace, and energy to live life more fully.
Image Credits:
Woman Doing Yoga:
Foot Massage:
Feet soaking in water: