There are some resources and items Untrained Housewife recommends or our readers have told us about and recommended to us. We share them here for you and often use affiliate links within these pages.
When you purchase an item using an affiliate link it doesn’t change your price at all but helps support Untrained Housewife’s operating costs! We are ever grateful when you choose to do so.
Embracing the Journey Notebook
If you hadn’t read the post yet about Embracing the Journey you will want to.
We are all learning. You might enjoy one of these items as a reminder.
Food Preservation – To preserve food while it’s available and have it on hand during lean times is not only wise, it’s financially a must-do now with the economy becoming ever tighter.
- Dehydrators
- Canning Resources
- Fermentation
- Food Storage
Gardening Resources – One of the most popular topics on Untrained Housewife are gardening posts so be sure to check out some of our favorite Gardening Resources.