Hurray! We’ve put together a fabulous new book for you, Gardening Like a Ninja: A Guide to Sneaking Edibles Into Your Landscape. I am so excited you found this page and have joined us here.
We have a ton of exciting things for you, including exclusive resources, an online course, and a free Edible Landscaping Facebook group.

Photo by Nicolás Boullosa. Learn how YOUR garden can bloom in any climate or style.
The Edible Landscaping Course
Please choose carefully between the Edible Landscaping Course with no book, and the Edible Landscaping Course with the book, only $10 more to get a physical book shipped to your home. See a full description of the Gardening Like a Ninja eCourse here!
Note - This course assumes you own a copy of Gardening Like a Ninja already. If you do not please pick up a copy from Amazon or use the check out option below.
PLUS! You will receive a full-color, physical copy of the book, Gardening Like a Ninja, sent straight to your door. $75 total value!
Helping to Spread the Word
Lots of readers have asked how they can help spread the word since they enjoyed reading Gardening Like a Ninja so much. There are several ways to do this!
- Leave an Amazon Review on the book’s listing there. That is SO helpful to authors I can’t even tell you.
- Let me know if there’s any podcast, magazine writer, conference speaking opportunity, or so on that I should know about! (Just leave a comment on this page.)
- Consider signing up as an affiliate and inviting your friends to take the course too. You get 25% referral fee for introducing them to me.
Resources From the Book and Beyond
If you are here looking for the listing of resources from the book, as well as additional resources I didn’t have room to include there, visit the Edible Landscaping Resources Page.